Ricerca CERCA

Study of the safety strategies for the Rendezvous and Docking operations of a small satellite with a target vehicles


Reference persons FABRIZIO STESINA

Research Groups 22-Progetto e sviluppo di sistemi e tecnologie aerospaziali

Description Define and verify through analysis the safety strategy to be implemented in a mission of a small satellite involved in proximity operations and rendezvous and docking manoeuvres with a collaborative operative spacecraft.
Main points:
• Analysis of state of the art and definition of the system requirements
• Definition of the safety strategy for nominal and off-nominal conditions (i.e. system failures or incorrect trajectory or attitude) considering the constraints deriving from the actual small satellite technology
• Definition of the mathematical problem and definition of the detailed simulation models, including dynamics and kinematics aspects and uncertainties on the system elements. Reference software Matlab and, in case, STK.
• Building of an advanced simulation environment that enables the assessment of the system performance and the verification of the requirements
• Identification of the best strategies for nominal and off-nominal conditions

Note: the thesis is carried out in the framework of the SROC project funded by the European Space Agency

Required skills Space Systems, Satellites dynamics and controls, trajectory analysis.

Deadline 23/02/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA