Ricerca CERCA

Development of GUI-based user-friendly interface for the an open-access software



External reference persons Daniele Placido

Research Groups DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci, MAHTEP

Thesis type MODELING

Description OPENSC2 is a new open-source software being developed at the Department of Energy Engineering "Galileo Ferraris" by the MAHTEP research group for the analysis of thermofluid-dynamic and electromagnetic transients of superconducting cables for power transmission and nuclear fusion applications. Using the object-oriented programming approach in Python3, OPENSC2 has the inherent potential to become an extremely versatile tool for handling the most varied and peculiar cable designs. It also aims to be user-friendly and should be supported by a graphical user interface.
In this context, the thesis proposal rests on twofold objectives, both of which aim to improve user interaction with the software:
1. development of a pre-processing tool, GUI-based, helpful in exporting the main geometrical data of the cable cross-section from FreeCAD drawing, allowing its automatic representation in a block diagram in which the user can easily and intuitively define the simulation scenario, including drivers and boundary conditions, as well as execute and control the simulation.
2. development of a post-processing tool, still GUI-based, aimed at the clear selection and visualization of the results computed by the software; specifically, the tool must allow the user to easily choose and customize plots, such as time evolution and spatial distribution of selected quantities of interest.
All tools should allow easy scaling up to multi-cable assemblies.

Required skills C++, Python, TypeScript or Javascript

Deadline 28/11/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA