Ricerca CERCA

'Inside' heritage - 01HNJPQ (Thesis Seminar 8CFU + 12CFU Thesis)



External reference persons FRANCESCA RONCO (MOD Lab Arch - Laboratorio Modelli)


Description Students have two options for their thesis: writing a "traditional" thesis worth 20 credits (ECTS) or, alternatively, writing a thesis worth 12 credits (ECTS) + taking a Thesis seminar worth 8 credits

Cultural heritage, intended as a legacy to be safeguarded, preserved and enhanced, as such belongs to all citizens and serves their human growth and promotion. However, today access to heritage and its real enjoyment are still not fully acquired and shared rights, due to barriers of different kinds that hinder its enjoyment: social, economic, physical, perceptual, cognitive and cultural barriers. Despite the fact that at the national and international level several declarations have been clearly expressed in this regard (from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the Faro Convention) in practice the solutions developed to make cultural heritage available to all are still too often partial. Not everyone, even today, is allowed to truly grasp and understand the values of heritage and, so to speak, "get inside" it.
In such a panorama, the role of designers appears crucial. All human experience begins in space and takes place in space: that is why the way heritage is enhanced cannot be disconnected from its physical context, and why the visitor's experience is central. At the planner's disposal today are theoretical, methodological, technological, and operational tools for conceiving an experience that is not only accessible, but also inclusive and above all meaningful for every citizen.
During this course, the national normative apparatus and international declarations will first be presented and discussed, as indispensable support for the development of a design sensibility in these terms. A number of theoretical contributions will be explored and discussed, with an interdisciplinary approach, and a conceptual framework will be proposed to overcome the traditional approach. In particular, the concept of “personal appropriation” will be proposed, intended as an individual and transformative process.
In addition, contemporary design solutions will be critically examined, and good practices at the national and international level, with particular reference to the museum environment and archaeological heritage (as significant but not binding examples, for the purposes of student work).

See also  https://didattica.polito.it/pls/portal30/gap.pkg_guide.viewGap?p_cod_ins=01HNJPQ

Required skills A preparatory but not mandatory activity for the Thesis Seminar 'Inside Heritage - 01HNJPQ' is the Introductory Seminar 'Inside the Museum - 01VLQPQ'

Notes If you choose the option “Thesis seminar (8 credits) + Thesis (12 credit)”, first of all you must add to your Annual Personal Study Plan the generic item “Thesis seminar”. Before the deadline for the creation of the PSP/APSP you will be able to rank the various thesis seminars in order of preference. In the course catalogue – Study Plan you will find an information sheet for each seminar with the topics, type of attendance and other useful details to make your choice.
The seminars will be allocated to students based on a merit ranking list. The ranking list is built on the basis of the exams passed by each student by the end of the September 2023 examination session.
After the closing date for the creation of the PSP/APSP, you will be called by the Secretariat of the Collegio di Architettura based on the order of the ranking list and you will be assigned to a thesis seminar depending of the number of available places for each seminar.
At the end of this allocation phase, the Collegio di Architettura will give the list of allocations to the Office of Student Services – Architecture which will take care of replacing the generic code (thesis seminar) present in your Annual Personal Study Plan with the specific code and denomination of the seminar actually assigned to you.
In the course catalogue the thesis seminars are divided in two different tables:
01GDM** - Seminari di tesi offerti da altri corsi di studi / thesis seminars offered by other degree programmes
01VMX** - Seminari di tesi proposti dal Corso di Studi / thesis seminars offered by your degree programme
You can include in your APSP any of the two tables. When you are called by our office, you will be able to choose your favourite seminar among all seminars even if this belongs to the other table (not the one included in your APSP).
Please note that the assessment of thesis seminars is ungraded (without a grade out of a scale of 30). Thesis seminars are assessed on a pass-or-fail basis.
If you are not admitted to any of the seminars you like, you can modify your PSP/APSP and choose the option of the 20-credits thesis.

Deadline 04/03/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA