Ricerca CERCA

ALCATEL - PARIS - Evaluation and design of joint multi-path routing and congestion control in Content-Centric Networking

azienda Thesis in external company    estero Thesis abroad


Reference persons MARCO MELLIA

External reference persons Giovanna Carofiglio – Research Engineer, Bell Labs - giovanna.carofiglio@alcatel-lucent.com

Research Groups Telecommunication Networks Group


Description Internship description
The Internet communication model designed in the 60s and centered on a host-to-host conversation is currently under debate as it shows its inadequacy in following the radical changes in the network usage. Nowadays Internet users are in fact more interested on the content the network can provide them rather than on the location at which the resource is physically stored.
Content-centric networking (CCN) [1]-[2], also referred to as Named-Data Networking [3], brings a paradigm shift in the present Internet communication model by addressing named-data instead of hosts. With respect to TCP/IP, the transport model is connectionless with a unique endpoint at the receiver, driving a retrieval process natively multi-cast. Another salient feature of CCN is the possibility to embed storage capabilities into the network (in-network caching), which adds a new dimension to the transport control problem.
The goal of the internship will be to twofold:
1) to evaluate the impact of multi-path routing on CCN transport protocol and on in-network caching dynamics, by means of simulations, analysis and/or experimental evaluation (cfr. references in [4]);
2) to contribute to the design of joint multi-path routing and congestion control solutions adapted to CCN.
The intern will potentially collaborate with other research laboratories, either academic (INRIA, ENST, Lip6) and industrial entities (Orange Labs France Telecom R&D) within the French ANR project CONNECT[4] and will possibly contribute to scientific papers. The work carried on during the internship could potentially lead to a Ph.D. thesis.
[1] V. Jacobson, et al., “Networking Named Content”, in Proc. of ACM CoNext 2009.
[2] http://www.ccnx.org/
[3] US NSF project “Named-Data Networking’ http://www.named-data.net/
[4] French ANR project ‘CONNECT’, http://www.anr-connect.org/

Required skills Excellent programming skills
Optimal knowledge of Internet protocols

Notes The thesis will be held in
Bell Labs, France
Centre de Villarceaux
Route de Villejust
91620 NOZAY

Deadline 22/11/2012      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA