Ricerca CERCA

Reduced order model for wave scattering problems on distributed-memory architectures for parallel computing

azienda Thesis in external company    


Reference persons GIUSEPPE VECCHI

External reference persons Marco Righero (Links)

Research Groups Applied Electromagnetics


Description Numerical simulations are routinely employed to model complex systems, as electromagnetic waves propagation. However, if one wants to study system response for varying parameters in the systems, the computational burden becomes too large to provide From a computational point of view, simpler and more compact models can be constructed from representative solutions of the complete system. Different techniques can be applied to learn a data-driven approximation of the law which links the parameters values to the system response, using information from these representative solutions. The resulting approximate model can then be used for analysis and control with fewer computationl resources.
This thesis aims at porting existing code for electromagnetic simulation on a distributed architecture, with the specific aim of using it for building reduced order models for Computational Electromagnetics
1. A. C. Antoulas Approximation of Large-Scale DynamicalSystems, 2005, SIAM
2. A. Hochman, J.Fernandez Villena, A. G. Polimeridis, L. M. Silveira, J. K. White, L. Daniel, ‘Reduced-Order Models for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems’, Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.6, pp.3150, 3162, April 2014, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2314734

Notes Expected duration: 6 months.
The thesis will be developed at Fondazione LINKS, Antenna and EMC Lab.

Deadline 30/04/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA