Ricerca CERCA


Development of an GPGPU-based in-circuit simulator  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
GPU Based Parallel Algorithms to Solve Bayesian Networks  DI CARLO STEFANO  TESTGROUP - TESTGROUP
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO High Performance Computing (HPC) per simulazioni elettromagnetiche accelerate tramite GPU (borse di ricerca disponibili per finanziare studenti dalle performance accademiche eccellenti)  ANDRIULLI FRANCESCO PAOLO  Applied Electromagnetics
High throughput implementation of baseband algorithms by means of an NVIDIA graphic processing unit  MASERA GUIDO
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO High-performance computing per il Calcolo Scientifico: accelerazioni hardware ed algoritmiche per il calcolo parallelo (finanziamenti disponibili per studenti dalle performance accademiche eccellenti)  ANDRIULLI FRANCESCO PAOLO  Applied Electromagnetics
Software development techniques for resilient embedded GPUs  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Software development techniques for resilient embedded GPUs  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Software development techniques for resilient embedded GPUs  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Software development techniques for resilient embedded GPUs  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB
Software development techniques for resilient embedded GPUs  STERPONE LUCA  DAUIN - AEROSPACE AND SAFETY COMPUTING LAB