The Politecnico
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2015 - 2016
Teaching portal
Student guide 2015 - 2016 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
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Student guide 2016 - 2017
Student guide 2015 - 2016
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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Taking exams
Politecnico di Torino acknowledges regular courses attendance as the primary manner to acquire the knowledge characterized in the educational aims. Exams represent the verification procedure of these competences. 
Exam dates are fixed, teaching by teaching, by Representatives for exams of the competent college and can be consulted in the section “Students’ services – Teaching Portal” on the page “Exam dates/Appelli d’esame”.
Students must peremptorily book the exam date using the on-line procedure present in the personal page of the Teaching Portal. The exam will be registered on-line. 
Exams must be mandatorily taken with the Exam Board, selected by the competent didactic structure, headed by the professor to whose teaching students are registered.   
For active courses, whose lectures have been regularly issued during the academic year, the Exam Board President is the professor who conducted the teaching activity of the course. 
In case of high attendance the competent didactic structure might have committed the task to different professors and, in this case, the professor with whom the exam must be taken is the one to whom the student was matched according to the criteria of lecture organization (alphabetic partition, course choice, affinity to degree course…). 
We remind you that there are two exam dates for the same course during each exam session. It is possible to take the exam in both dates, even in case of failure. We specify that the exams already present in the study load of previous academic years must be taken with the professor entitled for the course of the current academic year

In any case, in order to verify clearly with which professor the exam must be taken, students can refer to the list of “Iscritti agli insegnamenti/Teachings Registration” published on the Teaching Portal in the section “Students’ services”. 
In case the course is linked to more than one professor, students have to look for their name in the list so as to find the correct match. 
We restate that it is not possible to take exams with Boards different from the ones selected by competent didactic structures, according to the criteria of lecture organization. It is not possible to change the professor appointed. 

In order to take the exam it is necessary to present the student cart or an identification document. Please see the section “Exam Calendar” to consult the exam sessions.