The Politecnico
Students - Companies - Schools
2015 - 2016
Teaching portal
Student guide 2015 - 2016 (ord. D.M. 270/04)
Nuovo ordinamento (D.M. 270/04)
Student guide 2024 - 2025
Student guide 2023 - 2024
Student guide 2022 - 2023
Student guide 2021 - 2022
Student guide 2020 - 2021
Student guide 2019 - 2020
Student guide 2018 - 2019
Student guide 2017 - 2018
Student guide 2016 - 2017
Student guide 2015 - 2016
Student guide 2014 - 2015
Student guide 2013 - 2014
Student guide 2012 - 2013
Student guide 2011 - 2012
Student guide 2010 - 2011
Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Transfers, internal transfers, career assessment
Students willing to request an internal transfer (change of degree course inside Politecnico) do not have to compile the study load before forwarding the request. Students have to verify through the Apply procedure (present on the personal page of the Teaching Portal), based on the degree course of origin, whether they are compelled or dismissed from taking the admission test

We remind you that a change from a course in Italian to a course in English, and viceversa, is allowed only once during the period of studies and only to students who have not compiled yet the study load with teachings from second year. Moreover, we specify that it is not possible to ask for an internal transfer in the same year of the enrolment, nor possible to renounce to the studies in order to enroll again during the same year. 

Methods and procedure to request the internal transfer are published in the section Internal Transfer on the online Registrar’s Office. 
Similarly students willing to request a leave for another University do not have to compile the study load before presenting their request. All the information and form are available in the section “Leave for another University” of the online Registrar’s Office. 

Those who transfer to Politecnico or who have asked an assessment of their previous university career can compile the study load after receiving the e-mail of confirmed assessment of the career, through the procedure Plan of Study available in the personal page of the Teaching Portal. Competent boards will evaluate the adequacy of the personal competence and curricular requirements. 
For further clarification please see the section Transfers and Enrolment of students with a university degree present on the website in the section Online Registrar’s Office.