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Bachelor in
Location: Torino - Class: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (L-9)
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Erasmus+ is the new European programme promoting education, training, youth and sport. This programme – entered into force on 1st January 2014 – will replace and integrate the Lifelong Learning Programme for the next 7 years. The new programme encloses in a single framework of reference the activities previously part of different programmes and includes also disciplines present in the new field pertaining to European union: sport. 

In particular, the European Union financially supports international education, training and voluntary work opportunities. The main target of Erasmus+ is represented by university students, apprentices, teachers, trainees and young workers. 
Each University states with inter-institutional agreements its wish to cooperate with other Universities participating in the Erasmus+ programme, specifying the type of cooperation. 
Mobility programmes for students enrolled in Bachelor or Master of Science are promoted to allow them to attend official courses abroad which will be validated in the home university and to fully or partly develop their final project. 
If students pass abroad the exams previously planned with the departmental coordinator, they will see validated the maximum number of credits provided for the full year or semester of the course to which students are enrolled. Partner universities usually require specific linguistic levels in order to accept exchange students. 

Moreover, with the new Erasmus+ programme the EU – trying to strengthen the transversal skills useful to find an employment (spirit of enterprise, IT and linguistic skills)  – asked all partner universities to indicate the linguistic requirements while preparing the inter-institutional agreement recommending an increase to the level B1 of knowledge. 
Therefore, Politecnico di Torino will indicate in the public call for selection (Bando di Concorso) all the information regarding the linguistic skills, included whether it is compulsory or not to have a specific linguistic certificate and at what time of the application procedure it must be presented.   

NOTE: We advise students to insert optional courses in their study plan for the year in which they will participate in a mobility programme, in order to ease the equivalence with the foreign courses. Students have to take into consideration that the Learning Agreement, previously discussed with their Erasmus+ departmental coordinators, should be done in the awareness that when they return they have to attend the compulsory courses at Politecnico di Torino which were not found in the host university.