(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Unfulfilled academic requirements and APSP update
If you do not earn minimum 28 credits by the end of your first year as below specified:
 EnrolledCourse nameNumber of credits (CFU)Total CFU
   Up to the 2013/2014 a.y.
 Atelier Design 1628
 Architecture Drawing and Survey Laboratory 12
   From the 2014/2015 a.y.
   to the 2017/2018 a.y.
 Atelier Architectural and Urban Composition 1628
 Architecture Drawing and Survey Laboratory 12
   From the 2018/2019 a.y. Architecture Drawing and Survey Laboratory 12 28  
 Additional courses of 1st year (except english language) 16
it means that you still have some unfulfilled academic requirements  and you will not be able to add any new course or activity to your Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP).
You are allowed to include in your APSP only your incomplete courses (for which the exam is still pending). In any case you can add new courses as well, but they will be marked as “overbooking” modules. Basically you can insert first and second semester courses, but they will not be immediately included in your APSP.  

If during the September examination session you pass your pending exams and/or you reach the required number of credits, you will no longer be classified as a “student with unfulfilled academic requirements”. In this case your “overbooking” courses will automatically be added to your APSP following the order in which you had inserted them and within the maximum limit of 80 CFU.

If during the winter examination session (january/march) you still have some unfulfilled academic requirements, but you manage to pass your  pending exams and/or to reach the required number of credits, you will no longer be classified as a “student with a unfulfilled academic requirements”. In this case your first-semester new courses will be removed, while your second-semester courses will be added to your APSP, provided that the pre-requisites are respected.
If  you have some “unfulfilled academic requirements” and you decide to enrol as a part-time student, you will be only be able to add first-year courses to your APSP. If, by the end of the january/march examination session, you make up for those “unfulfilled academic requirements”,  you will be able to add other second-semester courses to your APSP. This must happen in accordance with the maximum number of credits that a student can get in one academic year; otherwise, you can request the conversion of your part-time APSP into full-time, by Friday 16th March 2018.