The Equality Committee (Comitato Unico di Garanzia –
CUG) is a parity committee which supports all
groups at Politecnico dI Torino: faculty members, administrative staff members, research fellows and students. The duration of its mandate is determined by the
Statute (art. 17, paragraph 3).
The composition of the Equality Committee is set out in article 17, paragraph 2 of the Statute: the Chair of the Equality Committee is currently Cristina Coscia and the Vice-Chair is Paola Vigliani. The Committee has one student representative, selected from among the representatives who sit on the Academic Senate and Board of Governors.
To contact the CUG write an-email to: cug@polito.it
Upon proposal of the Committee, the Rector appoints a
Confidential Counsellor (Consigliera di Fiducia), who does not belong to the University. He/she provides advice and assistance to staff and students in case of sexual or moral harassment or discriminatory behaviour. The role of the Confidential Counsellor has been established in accordance with the Code of Conduct for the Protection of the Dignity of Female and Male Workers and Students at Politecnico di Torino.
In March 2018 Politecnico launched a new Counselling Service (
Spazio di ascolto) for Politecnico staff and students. This project demonstrates that the Equality Committee is committed to investigating the quality of life and organizational well-being at the university. The Equality Committee promotes equal opportunities of work and study for all. It implements measures which prevent and go against all forms of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion, personal and political convictions, disability and age. The Committee has proactive, consultative and verification tasks.
The Equality Committee offers the following welfare services: