(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Determination of the final grade
The expected workload for your Final Project is approximately 75 hours. This includes individual study and tutoring sessions offered by the faculty member who provided the topic for your technical report.
You must contact a faculty member who teaches a third-year course of your Bachelor’s degree programme and ask him/her a topic for your technical report.Upon completion of your technical report, you must submit it to the Board of examiners of the course and make a short oral presentation during which you need to prove your analytical skills as well as your ability to be concise and discuss your ideas. The Board of examiners will evaluate your work and give you a grade (out of 30) which will be sent to the Graduation Examining Committee.Your final grade is determined  by the Graduation  Examining Committee which evaluates the overall average grade of all the exams that you have passed, on a scale of 110, after having subtracted your worst 16 credits.  This number is proportionally reduced if some of your exams have been validated without a grade, or in case of credit transfer (only the exams taken at Politecnico count towards the calculation of the average grade). 
As a general rule, the Graduation Examining Committee can add up to a maximum of 5 points, taking into consideration:   
  • the evaluation of your Final Project (written essay);
  • the number of years it took you to complete your studies;
  • if you attended a degree programme partially or entirely taught in English;
  • other information about your course of study (for instance, the number of exams passed with honours, your experiences abroad, your extracurricular activities etc.).
If you reach the score of 110,51 the Graduation Examining Committee can decide to award you the degree with final honors (cum laude). This decision must be taken by a qualified majority: this means that at least 2/3 of the Committee members must vote in favor of awarding this distinction.
The Graduation  Examining Committee must determine your final grade taking into consideration your overall participation in the degree programme. It should evaluate your  cultural maturity and intellectual competence.