How to request the Diploma Supplement
You can find your Diploma Supplement on your personal page of the Teaching Portal: Segreteria on-line – Certificati/Certificates – “Diploma Supplement”.
The Diploma Supplement bears the phrase “firma omessa ai sensi del D.Lgs. n.39 del 12/02/1993 art.3” (signature is omitted in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 39 of 12/0271993, Article 3).
If you need a Diploma Supplement with original signature and official stamp of the University, the Office of Student Services will take care of issuing it. The first copy of the Diploma Supplement is free of charge; for further copies you will have to pay 0,63 € per page. Please note: in case of credit transfer the Diploma Supplement cannot be issued immediately. In this case you need to send a ticket from your personal page of the Teaching portal selecting the topic: "CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)".
In order to get your Diploma Supplement (with original signature and official stamp of the University), you can:
- go to the Office of the University Registrar or to the Office of Student Services in person, bringing the following documents with you:
- your identification document;
- the payment receipt (0,63 € for each page) – You need to pay at the PAF Office of Politecnico only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one, which is free of charge.
2. authorize a trusted person (proxy) to go to the Office of the University Registrar or to the Office of Student Services on your behalf,
- is/her own identification document;
- a photocopy copy of your identification document;
- the Diploma Supplement Request Form (remember to fill in the proxy section and sign it);
- the payment receipt (0,63 € for each page) – You need to pay at the PAF Office of Politecnico only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one which is free of charge.
3. ask the University to send you your Diploma Supplement by post. Please use the ticketing service and attach the following
- the Diploma Supplement Request Form (remember to fill in the proxy section and sign it);
- a photocopy of your identification document;
- the bank transfer receipt (0,63 € for each page) – You need to pay this amount only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one which is free of charge.The details for the bank transfer are:
Politecnico di Torino - presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A.
Via d'Ovidio, 5 - 10129 - Torino (TO) Italy
IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101
SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero)
Payment description: spese di spedizione diploma supplement
The bank transfer amount must include the shipping charges:
- 3,20 € for Italy
- 4,50 € for foreign countries
In order to know the correct amount for the bank transfer, please send a ticket from your personal page of the Teaching portal selecting the topic "CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)".