(2018 - 2019)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Entering the world of work
JOB PLACEMENT The Office of Career Services (internships and placements) offers an array of services to help you enter the world of work: job offers in Italy and abroad, company presentations at the University, career days, professional orientation, career counseling, etc.   

Your online Polito CV
Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal (with your user name and password) and fill in your Polito CV.  You can enter  information on your university career (fields have been pre-arranged by Politecnico), professional experience, foreign languages, computer skills, hobbies and other useful information.  After completing your online Polito CV, you can apply for internships or job vacancies which become available on your personal page ( “stage” button or “job” button on the upper part of the page). After giving your consent to the processing of your personal data, your CV will become visible to employers who might  be willing to offer you some job opportunities.       

ALMALAUREA AlmaLaurea is an interuniversity consortium supported by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Its objective is to connect graduates with companies. It is the focal point for those (scholars, workers, etc.) who deal with university, employment and youth policy at various levels. 
Politecnico and AlmaLaurea  encourage all graduates to fill out an online questionnaire, with a twofold objective:  
  • collect students’ opinions on the university career they are about to complete, in order to monitor the courses of study and analyse the performance of graduates with an eye to improving the university course catalogue. The results of this research are available on the AlmaLaurea website, in the area dedicated to universities;
  • obtain the necessary information for the drafting of the Curriculum Vitae, in order to help students enter the world of work; moreover, if they want to take advantage of this opportunity, AlmaLaurea will make their data available to businesses and institutions which might request them.   
As a graduand you must register into the AlmaLaurea website (REGISTRAZIONE/LOGINfor the collection of statistical data.After graduation, Politecnico will send AlmaLaurea the names of all its graduates and will certify the university information contained in their CVs. Your data will become available to employers interested in your profile.You are free to decide whether to make your Curriculum Vitae visible in the AlmaLaurea database (in the last page of the questionaire). 

If you lost the credentials obtained for the Bachelor’s degree, send AlmaLaurea your request to retrieve them:     
At the end of this procedure your data will become available to those who request them to AlmaLaurea. After graduation, Politecnico will send AlmaLaurea the names of all its graduates and will certify the university information contained in their CVs. 

For further information or inquiries about AlmaLaurea, please contact  the Office of Career  Services:
Corso Castelfidardo, 39: 
Opening times: Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 to 12.30  
Telephone: (from 14.00 to 16.00 Tuesday and Thursday)  