(2018 - 2019)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Training courses (24 cfu) for admission to Concorso FIT
Politecnico gives you the opportunity to earn the 24 credits required to take the national open competition for admission to the FIT Specializing Course ((DM n. 616 del 10 agosto 2017).
You can choose one to four courses from the following list:
 Scientific Disciplinary Field CFU
 Pedagogia della scuola e dell’inclusione M-PED/01 e M-PED/036
 Psicologia dei processi cognitivi di apprendimento e di sviluppo M-PSI/01 e M-PSI/046
 Antropologia dei contesti scolastici ed educativi M-DEA/016
 Didattica, tecnologie e ricerca educativa
 M-PED/03 e M-PED/04
If these courses are in line with your educational path, you can include them in your APSP in substitution for your free choice credits (check the Curriculum of your degree programme and the course syllabi to make sure you can do so). In this case you can add one or more courses to your APSP, but they must not exceed the maximum number of free choice credits allowed by your Curriculum.
You are allowed to add more course to your APSP as credit overload  (beyond 192 CFU for Bachelor’s degree programmes or 132 for Master’s degree programmes). For this operation, you need to send a ticket to the Office of Student Services. 
Even if these courses are not in line with your educational path, you can still add them to your APSP as credit overload (beyond 192 CFU for Bachelor’s degree programmes or 132 for Master’s degree programmes). You do not need to pay for these credits, but they must be included in your APSP without exceeding the credit limit imposed by the type of enrolment you have chosen (full-time or part-time enrolment) and in compliance with the rules for APSP creation. In this case you will be able to graduate from Polito even if you do not pass these exams.
To include these couses as credit overload you need to send a ticket to the Office of Student Services with the names of the courses you are interested in. 
In a.y. 2018/219 these courses will be delivered by CIFIS (Centro Interateneo di interesse regionale per la Formazione degli Insegnanti Secondari). For this reason, we cannot ensure that these courses will be held at Polito  and that they will not be scheduled at the same time of your lectures.  
RULES FOR STUDENTS WHO INCLUDED THE 24 CFU FOR ADMISSION TO FIT IN THEIR APSP IN A.Y. 2017/2018If you included the 24 CFU for admission to FIT in your APSP in a.y. 2017/18, your new APSP will display the courses that you have already attended with exam still pending.
  • If you want to remove them from your APSP, just drag and drop them in the upper window. WARNING: after confirming this operation, these courses will be permanently cancelled from you APS. You will NOT be able to include them again in your APSP, not even in future academic years.
  • If you want to keep them in your APSP as credit overload, they will count towards the credit limit imposed by the type of enrolment you have chosen (part-time or full-time enrolment) and they must follow the APSP standard rules. You will be able to graduate from Polito even if you do not pass these exams.
Only for the courses which are considered in line with your educational path: you can include these courses (if you have already attended /passed them) in your APSP in substitution for your free choice credits, but they must not exceed the maximum number of free choice credits allowed by your curriculum (check the Curriculum of your degree programme and the course syllabi).
If you are a part-time student, you are required to pay for the courses that you still have to attend and pass.
You are allowed to add more course to your APSP as credit overload  (beyond 192 CFU for Bachelor’s degree programmes or 132 for Master’s degree programmes). In this case, you must confirm your APSP without making any change to it and send a ticket to the Office of Student Services with the information required for the substitution of your optional courses (pre-FIT courses which must be included in your APSP in substitution for your free choice credits, other optional courses which must be removed from your APSP….).