(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Continuing students - Enrolling after first year: Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP)
Your PERSONAL STUDY PLAN(PSP)/PIANO CARRIERA includes all the courses and learning activities that you need to complete during the course of your studies, from your first year until graduation.
Your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (APSP)/CARICO DIDATTICO is the list of the courses that you are going to attend during the current academic year. It is built around  your APSP of previous academic years: it includes both your incomplete exams (unpassed) and the exams that you have passed but have not been recorded yet. On top of these, you need to add your new courses (courses which have never been included before).  When you create your APSP you  must adhere to the rules of your degree programme  (View curriculum and course syllabi).
The Annual Personal Study Plan for  first-year Bachelor’s students is standard and includes all first-year courses illustrated in the section dedicated to the Curriculum and the Programme Syllabi.   
How to create your APSP and how to enrol as a part-time or full-time studentYou can create a part-time or full-time APSP depending if you want to enrol as a part-time or full-time student:  
  • FULL-TIMEenrolment: you can include a maximum of 80 credits in your APSP for the academic year, including your Final Project/Thesis credits. 
  • PART-TIME enrolment: you can  include a maximum of 40 credits for the academic year in your APSP, including your Final Project/Thesis credits.  
Full-time enrolment
To enrol as a full-time student you have two options:
  • you can enrol after
  • you can enrol later. In this case please return to the portlet named Fill in your PSP/APSP and enrol for the new academic year and click “Enrol for the new academic year”
 When you enrol you have pay the first instalment of your tuition fees (if any).
Part- time enrolment
After you confirm your APSP, you must enrol and pay your tuition fees (if any).
If you still have to take some exams, you are not allowed to create your new APSP without adding any credits. You can have an empty APSP (which only includes the final project or the thesis credits) only if you have passed all the exams and learning activities required for graduation. 

For further information please carefully read the section named How to create your APSP and how to enrol: procedure and deadlines. 
If you first enrolled at Politecnico in a.y. 2012/2013 or before, you must NOT create your PERSONAL STUDY PLAN, but only your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN. 
We remind you that you are CANNOT modify your Annual Personal Study Plan during the course of the year, not even for second-semester courses. 
If you want to add more courses to your PSP/APSP (please note that courses already included CANNOT be substituted) after the above-mentioned deadlines, please contact us through the ticketing service. The Office of Student Services will evaluate you case and tell you if your request has been accepted. If approved, your PSP/APSP will be updated and you will be charged the corresponding extra cost. 