(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
BUILDING ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Incomplete courses (with exam still pending) and overbooking courses
When you create your Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP), before anything else you must include the courses which were already on your APSP in previous years, for which you have not passed the exam yet, or, for which your grade has not been recorded yet. These courses are called incomplete courses (with exam still pending) and are marked in blue by the system. They need to be included in your APSP before any new course that you want to add for the first time.
The APSP for full-time enrolment can include up to a maximum of 80 credits.
The APSP for part-time enrolment can include up to a maximum of 40 credits.
If you add some extra courses and exceed the maximum limit, these courses are called overbooking courses (marked in red).
You are allowed to do this operation in order to take into account: 
  • new exams which you will take in the Autumn examination session (September);
  • any exams passed but not recorded yet (for example exams taken abroad during a mobility project);
  • internships and/or foreign languages and/or external learning activities taken and recorded by 31st December 2018.    

At a later stage, after you pass the above-mentioned exams (within the Autumn session), and after any internships, foreign languages, and/or external learning activities are recorded (by 31/12/2018), they will be removed from your APSP, thus “releasing space” for new credits . Your overbooking courses will now fall into your APSP, on the basis of the order in which they had been inserted. 
This adjustment period normally ends a few weeks after the end of the September examination session (except for internships ,foreign languages and external learning activities).   

Example of an Annual Personal Study Plan with overbooking courses:   

In this example, there are  two courses (marked in red) which exceed the limit of 80 credits.
If you pass the Termofluidodimanica exam by September, a space corresponding to 10 credits will be released in your APSP. This allows another course (Energetica e fonti rinnovabili) to fall into your new APSP.
If you pass other exams in the next examination sessions (which belong to the new academic year), they will not be removed from your APSP. This means that no further space will be released for the remaining overbooking courses which will not flow into your APSP.
For this reason make sure you add  your courses following a priority order and paying attention to the semester in which each course is offered.
It is important that you schedule your courses in a way that allows you to finish all your exams before your expected graduation date. You will NOT see your overbooking courses on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (as they remain outside your APSP). This means that you will not be able to attend any of these courses nor take the exams for the whole academic year.  
You will NOT see your overbooking courses on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (as they remain outside your APSP). This means that you will not be able to attend any of these courses nor take the exams for the whole academic year.