(2018 - 2019)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Student representatives
In accordance with the Statute and the Regulations of Politecnico di Torino, students are entitled to be represented in the Governing Bodies of the University. Student representatives are the easiest and most effective way for students to raise issues and make proposals to the University. Student representatives play a fundamental role as they empower students to take part in the decision-making process on core issues such as the course catalogue, teaching, research and services. Over the past years the commitment of student representatives has led to significant results. This is a strong stimulus for students to believe in their ideas, put them forward and trust their representatives to drive change within the Governing Bodies of the University.   

Student representatives are elected every two years.   

As prescribed by the Statute, student representatives sit on the following bodies:   
  • Board of Governors – 2 representatives 
  • Academic Senate – 5 representatives (1 of which is enrolled in a PhD programme) 
  • Joint Committee on Teaching – 11 representatives   
Student representatives are also elected to the Department Councils and Collegi of the various degree programmes.  

Politecnico students also have the right to elect one representative in the E.Di.S.U Board of Goversons (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio) of Regione Piemonte. The Board of Governos is also composed of one student representative from Università di Torino and one from Università del Piemonte Orientale [Regulations are currently being modified by Regione Piemonte]. 
Politecnico students have the right to elect two representatives who sit on the Council of CUS Torino (Comitato Universitario dello Sport di Torino).   

You can contact your student representatives by e-mail. Find their e-mail addresses on the webpage of the Governing Bodies of Politecnico: