(2018 - 2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in
BUILDING ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Applying for a topic and submitting the Final Project
You are supposed to start working on your Final Project in good time to have it ready for the Graduation period in which you intend to graduate (registration closing date). You can submit your application for the Final Project topic provided that the Final Examination has been included in your Annual Personal Study Plan. 

You are required to: 
  • find an agreement with your supervisor about the topic of your Final Project;
  • submit your online application for the Final Project topic approval to your Supervisor. There is no specific deadline for the submission of this application;
  • submit your Final Project file to your supervisor;
  • apply online for your Final Project conclusion confirmation. This request can be accepted or rejected and your will be informed of the outcome before the deadline for the registration for the Final Examination.