(2018 - 2019)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Thesis conclusion confirmation
The Thesis conclusion confirmation includes the thesis final title, its English translation and the names of the Supervisor/s who have guided the candidate while writing the thesis.

How to send the Thesis conclusion confirmation: 
  • Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal and go to “Segreteria on line”
  • Click on the link Richiesta Conferma Conclusione Tesi/ Thesis conclusion confirmation;
  • Insert the final title of your thesis in the original language of your written work. If your thesis is in Italian, you also need to include the corresponding English translation.
  • when applicable, send your duly justified embargo request (this request has to be confirmed by the Supervisor)
  • authorise the university to check your thesis for plagiarism detection;
  • upload your thesis in PDF/A format + annexes;
  • submit your request. Click on "RICHIEDI CONFERMA"
From this moment on, you will no longer be able to modify the data already inserted. 
Please note that the Thesis conclusion confirmation should be submitted in due time, in order to be able to meet the deadlines for the registration for the Final Examination
When you submit the thesis conclusion confirmation, your Supervisor receives an email and can see your request from his/her personal page of the Teaching Portal. 
The Supervisor can confirm that you are eligible for graduation: otherwise you will receive an email.

If the supervisor requires a new thesis final title you will change the title independently, through the same online procedure, and resubmit the conclusion confirmation to the supervisor.
Once the Supervisor has confirmed that you are eligible for graduation, you can register for the Final Examination and no further changes will be allowed.
Alla tesi potranno invece essere apportate minime modifiche, concordate con il relatore, fino al'upload definitivo (la versione definitiva del pdf/A deve essere depositata entro il "termine per la consegna delle tesi in formato elettronico" indicato nel calendario tematico).