(2018 - 2019)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Single course enrolment for open competitive exams, professional updating and requalification
You can enrol in single courses to prepare for an open competitive exam, for your professional updating and requalification, up to a maximum of 20 credits. To apply for single course enrolment you must have a Upper secondary school diploma.
Information for students with a non-Italian qualification or students residing abroad is available on the International Students website.
To apply for single course enrolment please register on our Apply@polito platform (on-line enrolment service). Choose the courses you want to study and enrol from the section named Scegli il percorso/Singoli insegnamenti (Choose your learning path / Single courses) by 29th March 2019.
After submitting your application, you need to wait for its outcome which will be available on your Apply personal page under the section Valutazioni/Evaluations. If your application is accepted, you can officially enrol in the courses which have been approved (on-line enrolment only).