(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Certificates and other documents
If you need a certificate, self-certificate or statement of account, log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to Segreteria on-line and choose the Certificates portlet. 
If you forgot your access credentials for the Portal, please send a Ticket via the Ticketing service. In order to do so, log into the Teaching Portal as a Guest, go to the Contact page and select:
1) office: Office of the university registrar 
2) topic: Certificates / self-certificates / other documents (students/graduates)
3) fill in your request and attach a scanned copy of your valid identification document. 
You will receive your username and password for the Portal. 

Online certificates are written in Italian only and bear the phrase “Firma omessa ai sensi del D.Lgs. n.39 del 12/2/1993 art.3” (signature is omitted in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 39 of 12/02/1993, art. 3): this means that these documents cannot be signed  by a University official at a later stage. 
If you need a certificate bearing an original signature or written in English, you need to come to our office in person or authorize a third person (proxy) to collect your certificate on your behlaf. You can also ask Politecnico to send you a certificate by post. 

PLEASE NOTE: certificates for scholarship purposes do not need any revenue stamp.
You can ask for these certificates at our offices and you must show the scholarship call for applications. 