How to choose your optional courses Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Create your Personal Study Plan/ Annual Personal Study Plan and Enrol in the new academic year portlet
1) Choose one or more generic course titles in your PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (in compliance with the rules of your curriculum and the number of free choice credits that you have to earn)
2) Drag and drop the generic course titles into your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN and confirm this operation
After confirming, you will be redirected to a new page where you need to rank your courses in order of preference
3) Rank your courses in order of preference: use the side arrow or drag and drop them in the desired position
At the end of this operation, confirm your choice. A message will be displayed on the screen ("Scelte effettuate in precedenza / Choices previously made").
You are allowed to repeat this operation until the deadline for the creation of your Annual Personal Study Plan.
After the deadline Politecnico will create a merit reanking list and assign your optional courses to you (these will automatically be included in your PSP/APSP).
If you want to change the optional courses that were assigned to you in previous academic years, you must delete them from your Personal Study Plan and replace them with the generic course title(s). Then, you must repeat the above-mentioned procedure and rank your optional courses in order or preference. You must do this operation during the specific timeframe for the choice of optional courses.