(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Free choice credits - 3rd year
You can find the catalogue of FREE CHOICE CREDITS in the curriculum of your degree programme.
There are 4.5 hours a week of lectures for third-year optional courses and they take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons.  All courses have the following schedule:
I and II SEMESTER (4,5 h/week for each course)   
 Course 1MON 3h (16.00 - 19.00)THUR 1,5h (14.30 - 16.00)
 Course 2MON 1,5 h (14.30 - 16.00)THUR 3h (16.00 - 19.00)
First-semester optional courses start a week after the other courses. Second-semester optional courses follow the standard calendar.
Students are allocated their optional courses based on a merit ranking list. This means that you CANNOT inlcude these courses directly in your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan.
In the curriculum of yout degree programmes you can find the generic course titles:
  • Subsistitute for 1st year free choice credits, you should add this course only if you have not taken your first-year optional course
  • Free ECTS credits - 3rd year
  • Other free choice credits, you should add this course only if your curriculum provides for 18 free choice credits
Please read the rules in your curriculum before you choose your optional courses and pay attention to the course features:
    • semester of course delivery and timetable of classes;
    • courses capped to a limited number of students: normally the maximum number of students is 150, except for specific cases (see notes);
    • reccommended courses;
    • campus where classes are held;
    • courses offered by other universities;
    • courses taught through video lectures;
    • general pre-requisites;
    • course syllabus and structure;
    • specific pre-requisites illustrated in the course cataloge of each degree programme.
Please note:
  • if you include an optional course in the APSP of a year which is not the standard one, we cannot ensure that classes will not overlap with compulsory courses (i.e.: if you are second-year student and your include in your APSP a third-year optional course);
  • if you choose an optional course for which lectures are offered jointly with a compulsory course (shared course), we cannot ensure that classes will not overlap;
  • After being allocated an optional course, you will NOT be able to change it.
 If you are going to graduate in March, make sure you choose first-semester courses or second-semester courses taught through video lectures which allow you to take the exam before the course is actually delivered (see note in the course catalogue).
Courses offered by Accademia Albertina Belle Arti
 How to choose your optional courses 
Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Create your Personal Study Plan/ Annual Personal Study Plan and Enrol in the new academic year portlet
1) Choose one or more generic course titles in your PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (in compliance with the rules of your curriculum and the number of free choice credits that you have to earn)

2) Drag and drop the generic course titles into your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN and confirm this operation
After confirming, you will be redirected to a new page where you need to rank your courses in order of preference
3) Rank your courses in order of preference: use the side arrow or drag and drop them in the desired position

At the end of this operation, confirm your choice. A message will be displayed on the screen ("Scelte effettuate in precedenza /  Choices previously made").
You are allowed to repeat this operation until the deadline for the creation of your Annual Personal Study Plan.
After the deadline Politecnico will create a merit reanking list and assign your optional courses to you (these will automatically be included in your PSP/APSP).
If you want to change the optional courses that were assigned to you in previous academic years, you must delete them from your Personal Study Plan and replace them with the generic course title(s). Then, you must repeat the above-mentioned procedure and rank your optional courses in order or preference. You must do this operation during the specific timeframe for the choice of optional courses.
Ranking list and course allocations
Optional course allocations are merit-based and take into account the number of courses included each student’s APSP.Politecnico di Torino draws up the ranking list in the following way: every student is assigned a score calculated by multiplying the number of credits of each exam by its grade. Pass-or-fail exams (without a grade) are assigned the average grade of the other exams. The sums of these products is divided by the number of semesters from the student’s first enrolment in the university system. For transfer credits, the number of semesters is calculated as follows: 1 semester = 30 CFU.
Only the exams passed before 27th July 2019 count towards the merit-based score.
Merit-based score calculation
(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn) + (overall average grade * CFU pass-or-fail exams)               
                 number of semesters from the student's first enrolment in the university system
Optional courses are offered to students following the order of the ranking list and taking into account the preferences expressed by every student, until all places in the classroom are occupied.  
It might happen that several students with the same position on the ranking list choose the same optional course, but available places are not sufficient to satisfy all the requests. In this case, the course will be offered to the students with the highest number of exams passed with honours. Then, residual places will be randomly allocated by a computerized draw.
If you included more than one optional course in your Annual Personal Study Plan, you will be assigned your courses in a way that should avoid overlapping. You will be allocated courses delivered in different semesters, or – if they belong to the same semester – you will be assigned courses with different timetables. Depending on the number of optional courses included in your APSP, there are three different scenarios:
  1. Optional course in your APSP: you will be allocated the first available course with residual places chosen from the your list of courses.
  2. Optional courses in your APSP: you will be allocated the first available course with residual places chosen from your list of courses. The second course you must have residual places and a different timetable in order to avoid overlapping (you may be assigned two courses offered in the same semester but with different timetables, or two courses belonging to two different semesters).
  3. Optional courses in your APSP: you will be allocated the first available course with residual places chosen from your list of courses. The second and third course must have residual places and a different timetable in order to avoid overlapping (for instance, different timetables and different semesters).
Special cases:
Course allocations are also based on specific pre-requistes. For this reason the courses listed in the first column of the table below will be assigned to the students of the degree programmes shown in the second column if they chose these courses as thier first preference.

 Ingegneria delle cellule e dei tessuti Ingegneria biomedica
 Ingegneria nelle terapie medico-chirurgicheIngegneria biomedica
 Visualizzazione dell'informazione quantitativaMatematica per l'ingegneria - Percorso Sistemi Complessi
 Company economicsCorsi di laurea in lingua inglese
 Machine dynamicsCorsi di laurea in lingua inglese
 Economia urbanaPianificazione territoriale, urbanistica e paesaggistico-ambientale 
Valutazioni di impatto ambientalePianificazione territoriale, urbanistica e paesaggistico-ambientale 
Second phase of course allocation
If for any reason you did not create your APSP by the deadline, you will be given the opportunity to choose among the optional courses with residual places at a later stage. You will be able to express your prefrences from 9th to 16th October 2019.
We remind you that for this operation you need to previously include the generic course titles and codes in your PSP/APSP.
After this period Politecnico will define a merit ranking list and assign you your optional courses (these will be automatically included in your PSP/APSP).
At the end of this second phase, in the event that some courses still have available places, they can be offered to latecomers.
We remind you that the generic course titles and codes must be included in your PSP/APSP. For this round of allocations, send a ticket to the Office of Student Services.