(2019 - 2020)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Free choice credits
You can choose your free choice credits from the university course catalogue.
In accordance with the University Teaching Regulations, each student is free to choose his/her optional courses from among all courses offred by Politecnico, incluing internships (as long as they are not already included in their Personal Study Plan). Free choice credits allow students to broaden their education experience to fields of study that are not striclty related with their academic path. Students are required to provide motivations which support the coherence of thier choice with thier educational path.
You can also request the recognition of other learning activities undertaken both at Politecnico or outside the university.
The rules on how to include an internship in your Personal Study Plan, how to begin the process for an internship and how to obtain the recognition of your internship credits are available in the curriculum of your degree programme and on the website of the Office of Career Services.
Courses offered by the University of Turin 
You can choose one course offered by the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino - UniTo) in substitution for a course listed in the catalogue of free choice credits.
Please note that you can choose UniTo courses only at the beginning of the academic year.
Useful information and course syllabi are available on the website of the degree programme which offers the course. 
You can find the list of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes offered by Unito in a.y. 2019/20 at: 
This opportunity is reserved to maximum 50 students from Politecnico, with a limit of 3 students admitted to the same course.
If applications exceed this number, students will be chosen based on a merit ranking list, created by the Division of Student Affairs. Admitted students will receive an email with useful information.
Admitted students must register on UniTo website ( to get their access credential for online services (such as  exam registrations).
Further information and instructions on how to register is available at:   
Other learning activites