Calculation of the Average grade for the admission to the Final Examination When calculating the weighted average, Politecnico takes into account only the credits earned in graded exams (pass-or-fail exams are excluded from this calculation).
The value is calculated as follows:
a) add the products given by the grade of each exam multiplied by its credits;
b) divide a) by the sum of all credits:
(Grade1 x Credits1) + (Grade2 x Credits2) + (Grade n x Credits n) (Credits 1 + Credits 2 + Credits n)
The number obtained with this formula is the Average grade expressed on a scale of 30.
If you want to obtain the score expressed on a scale of 110: Average grade expressed on a scale of 30 x 110/30
Exams passed with honours do not have an impact on the Average grade.
The Average grade is calculated on
ALL the exams with a grade to the second decimal place; there is no rounding. The Average grade is sent to the Graduation Examining Committee.
As a general rule, the Graduation Examining Committee can add up to a maximum of 5 points, taking into consideration:
- evaluation of the Final Project (written essay);
- number of years it took you to complete your studies;
- other information about the course of study (for instance, the number of exams passed with honours, experiences abroad, extracurricular activities etc.).
If the you reaches the score of 110/110, the Graduation Examining Committee can decide to confer the degree with final honors (cum laude). The decision must be taken by qualified majority: at least 2/3 of the Committee members must vote in favor of awarding this distinction.