How to collect your degree parchment If you still haven’t collected your original degree certificate, you can:
- go to the Office of the University Registrar (ground floor, Cittadella Politecnica) with your identification document. The Office will instantly issue your degree parchment (opening times: from Monday to Friday: 8.30-12.00)
- authorize a trusted person (proxy) to go the Office of the University Registrar on your behalf. Your proxy will have to show a copy of your identification document, an authorization letter (produced on non-stamped paper) and his/her own identification document;
- ask the University to send you your degree parchment by post: in this case you have to fill out the original certificate shipping request form and return it to us, together with the documents listed in the form. You need to pay the shipping costs (15 €) and the revenue stamp (16 €). You can make a single bank transfer to:
Politecnico di Torino
presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A.
Via d'Ovidio, 5 - 10129 - Torino (TO) Italy
IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101
SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero)
Payment description: richiesta spedizione attestato RITIRO DIPLOMA DI LAUREA / LAUREA MAGISTRALE
How to request a replacement degree parchment or a replacement professional license diploma You can get a replacement degree parchment or a replacement professional license diploma if:
- you lost your original or it was stolen;
- you damaged your original;
In the first case, you need to submit a
signed self-certificate in which you declare that the parchment/diploma was lost or stolen and you request a replacement.
In the second case, on top of the above mentioned self-certificate, you need to return the damaged parchment/diploma to the Office of the University Registrar.
In both cases, you need to:
- pay € 100,00. You can pay directly at our office with your debit or credit card or provide a copy of your bank transfer receipt. The details for the bank transfer are:
Politecnico di Torino
presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A.
Via d'Ovidio, 5 - 10129 - Torino (TO) Italy
IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101
SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero)
- Attach a copy of your identification document and provide your telephone number and e-mail address, so we can get back to you as soon as the replacement document is ready. You can send these documents by post (Politecnico di Torino – Area Gestione Didattica – Segreteria Generale – Castelfidardo, 39 – 10129 Torino) or give them to the Office of the University Registrar (from Monday to Friday: 8.30-12.00).
If you want to receive the replacement parchment/diploma by post, fill out the “
Original Cerificate Shipping Request Form”. In this case, you need to pay
31 € with a single bank transfer (including
15 € for the shipping cost and
16 € for the revenue stamp).