Every year (usually by the end of January) Politecnico announces the annual schedule of its Graduation periods with the dates of the various sessions for the Oral defence and Graduation veremony. This information is made available for most Master’s degree programmes on the Notice Board (
Bacheca Avvisi).
After the closing date for registration for each Final Examination, the
Secretariat of the Collegio of each degree programme draws up the official convocation notice with the names of the members of the Graduation Examining Committee, the date of the Oral defence and other information about the Graduation ceremony.
This convocation notice is published on the Bacheca Avvisi / Notice Board of each degree programme.
Graduands will be officially invited with
a message displayed on thier personal page of the Teaching Portal - My academic progress tab - News section. Granduands have the possibility to rehearse their oral presentation if they want to. The calendar of technical rehearsals will be available on the
General Notice Board one week before graduation.
During the Graduation ceremony the Chair of the Committee confers the degrees on the graduands (even in absentia of the candidates) who receive their degree parchments.
If a degree parchment has not been collected during the Graduation ceremony, it can be collected later (in person or by proxy) at the Office of the University Registrar and Development of New Services for Students during
opening hours. Alternatively, graduates can ask the University to send their degree parchment by post following the instructions provided under the section dedicated to
Degree certificates and Professional license diplomas.