(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Governance and BODIEs of Politecnico di Torino
Politecnico di Torino is a public university with legal personality. Its primary objectives are the enhancement of higher education and high-level training, the organization of scientific research and the dissemination of its results. In the pursuit of its goals, Politecnico contributes to the cultural and economic development of our country. The organization and activities of Politecnico are shaped in accordance with its Statute and Regulations.      

In compliance with the Statute, the Governing Bodies set the objectives and programmes which need to be implemented and check if their results are in line with the directions provided. The organization and management of the university are entrusted to the Departments, research entities and administration units. 
Some Governing Bodies have specific roles which have an impact on the life of the student community:
  • the RECTOR represents Politecnico for all legal purposes and “is the guarantor of the freedom of teaching and research, freedom of study and the rights of all employees and students of Politecnico”. The current Rector is Guido SARACCO who will hold office until 16th March 2024.
  • the ACADEMIC SENATE “coordinates and connects teaching and research entities…” (article. 11, paragraph 2.e of the Statute)
  • the BOARD OF GOVERNORS (BoD) “is in charge of strategic direction. It operates in accordance with the principle of financial sustainability of the activities of the university…” (art.12, paragraph 1 of the Statute). The BoD “decides on the creation, modification and cancellation of degree programmes, campuses, departments and other teaching and research entities, upon a mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate “ (art. 12, paragraph 2.c)”      

“A Joint Committee on Teaching (Comitato Paritetico per la Didattica - CPD) has been established to cooperate for the improvement of the services provided to students" by the Departments and the other divisions which work in the field of the right to education”  (art. 23 of the Statute). 
The Joint Committee on Teaching monitors the course catalogue, teaching quality and organization, student services and suppport measures for the right to education. The Committee makes use of student questionnaires as a monitoring tool.
Further information is available at:

In accordance with Law No. 240/2010, Politecnico has given itself a new internal structure: teaching coordination and organization are  entrusted to the Departments and Collegi to which Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes are connected. 
The Departments are also in charge with the organization and coordination of research. 
The Administration is organized in Divisions, Services, Offices and Units, whose managers report to the Rector and to the Director-General.
The Director-General has the responsibility of the overall management and organization of services, facilities and technical and administrative staff of the University.