(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
You need to create your Personal Study Plan (PSP) and Annual personal Study Plan (APSP) at the beginning of each new academic year. 
The online procedure is available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online Services section. Please choose the portlet Create your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan and Enrol in the new academic year and follow the steps. You must comply with the academic rules for incomplete courses, overbooking courses and pre-requisites. The procedure is guided. You can repeat it as many times as you wish until you get your final APSP. 
In this step you can:
  • Choose a specialist pathway for your curriculum (if any)
You can choose or modify your specialist pathway during the timeframe for the creation of your PSP/APSP.
  • Create your Personal Study Plan (PSP)
Your Personal Study Plan must include all the courses that you are going to take before graduation (180 credits for Bachelor’s degree programmes / 120 credits for Master’s degree programmes).
Green courses: already passed 
Black courses: unpassed or not recorded in your transcript
Grey box: optional courses
Make sure you check the overall number of credits in your PSP.
You also need to include your free choice credits (optional courses) following the rules illustrated in this Student Guide.
The PSP overall number of credits includes the Final Project, the foreign language exam and the internship (if any).
It does not include the credits of the courses that you are going to advance from your Master’s degree programme, nor the credits of the Italian language exam (for students with a non-Italian qualification who attend a degree programme partially or entirely taught in English). 
You can add up to a maximum of 12 extra credits to your Personal Study Plan, thus exceeding the 180-credit threshold. As a general rule, extra credits cannot be removed from your PSP when you register for the Final Examination and they count towards the calculation of your final average grade. 
This rule does not apply to special courses and projects.
We remind you that students who first enrolled at PoliTo in a.y. 2012/13 or before MUST NOT create any PERSONAL STUDY PLAN but only their ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN. 
In this step you can:
Your Personal Study Plan must include all the courses that you are going to take before graduation (180 credits for Bachelor’s degree programmes / 120 credits for Master’s degree programmes).
For more information on how to choose your Free Choice Credits, please read this section:
2) ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLANYour Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP) must include all the courses that you are going to take during this academic year.
To add a new course to your APSP, select it from the lower box and drag and drop it into the upper box.
Blue courses: already included in last year’s APSP
Black courses: added to APSP for the first time
Red courses: overbooking courses
  • FULL TIME: if you choose a full-time workload, your Annual Personal Study Plan must contain a maximum of 80 credits (excluding overbooking courses)
  • PART TIME: if you choose a part-time workload, your Annual Personal Study Plan must contain a maximum of 40 credits . You cannot exceed this ceiling and you cannot include any overbooking courses.
    • The time frame for the creation of an Annual Personal Study Plan with new courses (included for the first time) is from July 24th to September 27th 2019.
    • The time frame for the creation of an Annual Personal Study Plan with old courses (already included in your previous APSP) or for students approaching the end of their studies (who only have their thesis credits still pending) is from July 24th to November 29th 2019.
For more information on how to create your APSP, please read these pages:
3) ENROLMENTAfter completing your APSP, you need to confirm your enrolment for the new academic year and pay the first instalment of your tuition fees (if any).
You have two options:
    • you can enrol after you confirm your APSP;
    • you can enrol later. In this case please go back to the portlet Create your PSP/APSP and enrol in the new academic year and click Modify your PSP/APSP.
At the end of this procedure, you will receive a confirmation e-mail into your PoliTo mailbox.
Please note that if you pay by MAV or PAGOPA, your payment will not be recorded immediately. You need to go back to the guided procedure to declare the payment date (Online Services - Create your PSP/APSP and enrol in the new academic year -  Modify your PSP/APSP).  
More information on payment methods is available in the Tuition Fee Guide A.A. 2019/2020.
    • FULL TIME / PART TIME ENROLMENT with new courses (included for the first time in your APSP): October 14th 2019
    • FULL TIME / PART TIME ENROLMENT with old courses (already included in a previous APSP): November 29th 2019
Can I change the standard curriculum?
Can I change the standard STUDY PLAN?
È possibile modificare il piano di studi inserendo esami appartenenti ad altri orientamenti e/o corsi di laurea.
Tale modifica verrà sottoposta alla valutazione e approvazione dal referente del piano di studi del corso di laurea.
Per modificare un esame:
- eliminare il modulo esame dal piano carriera utilizzando la X sulla destra;
- inserire il nuovo modulo utilizzando il box di ricerca in fondo alla pagina;
- indicare la motivazione per cui si intende apportare la modifica;
- procedere con l’invio della richiesta.
Il sistema invierà in automatico il piano di studi in approvazione al referente. Una volta effettuata la valutazione, lo studente riceverà una notifica tramite posta elettronica istituzionale e avrà a disposizione 10 giorni per ultimare piano carriera e carico didattico.
Do I need to pay a penalty fee to change my curriculum / PSP?
Se la modifica viene effettuata durante il periodo di compilazione piano carriera e carico didattico non verrà applicata alcuna maggiorazione. È previsto un ulteriore periodo (oltre la data di scadenza di definizione del piano carriera/carico didattico) nel quale è ancora possibile apportare la modifica; tuttavia lo studente incorrerà in una maggiorazione di € 50
Dettagli in merito sono disponibili sulla Guida alla contribuzione studentesca A.A. 19/20 (sezione Appendice).
My PSP was sent for approval right before the deadline. Do I have to pay a penalty fee?
No. Una volta ricevuta la notifica di valutazione, lo studente avrà comunque a disposizione 10 giorni per ultimare il piano carriera ed il carico didattico.