(2019 - 2020)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
You must choose your courses from among all the courses of your previous Personal Study Plan.
Please note that some compulsory courses may have pre-requisites (courses which  have to be taken before others). This means that you cannot add certain courses to your APSP without including the pre-requisites first. The pre-requisites are listed in the curriculum of your degree programme. Make sure you read it before you make your APSP. 
You can add new courses (belonging to the next academic years) to your APSP,  only after having inserted all your incomplete courses from the previous years.
You can only remove your free choice credits if you want to substitute them with other credits.
In  any case, the system prevents you from creating an irregular APSP in which the pre-requisites are not respected. A warning message tells you  which courses must be included before others.
Full-time workload
If you choose a full-time workload, you can include a maxiumu of 80 credits (CFU) in your APSP.
Your Final Project/Thesis credits must be added to the APSP  of the year in which you intend to start working on your Final Project/Thesis. This means that these credits must not exceed the maximum limit of 80 credits.
When you enrol for the next academic year, your Final Project/Thesis credits will be automatically included in your new APSP but will not count towards the maximum limit.
You can add 5 extra credits beyond the maximum limit if you want to add an additional course (including an internship). This is possible if you still have space in your APSP.
You are allowed to exceed the 85-credit limit in order to add the Final Project/Thesis credits.
Example n° 1
Example n° 2
Example n° 3
Part-time workload
If you choose a part-time workload, you can include a maxiumum of 40 credits (CFU) in your APSP.
When you create your part-time APSP, you must include your incomplete courses from your previous APSP before adding any new course.  You can only add new courses (you cannot delete nor substitute your old credits).
Your Final Project/Thesis credits must be added to the APSP  of the year in which you intend to start working on your Final Project/Thesis. This means that these credits must not exceed the maxiumum limit of 40 credits
When you enrol for the next academic year, your Final Project/Thesis credits will be automatically included in your new APSP but will not count towards the maximum limit.