(2019 - 2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Bachelor’s final examination
The Final Project consists in producing a written essay. You will find further information on the Final Examination in the Curriculum of your degree programme, under the “Final Examination” section.  
The Secretariat of the Collegio can publish further information on the Bacheca Avvisi/ Notice Board of the degree programm
In order to earn your Bachelor’s degree, you must meet the following requirements: 
  1. you must have passed all the graded and ungraded exams included in the curriculum of your degree programme;
  2. you must be regularly enrolled in the current academic year
  3. your Annual Personal Study Plan must include the Final Project module;
  4. you must have paid your tuition fees in full;
  5. you must not have any unreturned book borrowed from the library;
  6. you must not have a pending disciplinary sanction which imposes a temporary exclusion from Politecnico with restriction of further academic progress. 
The Secretariat of your Collegio may also publish further information on the Bacheca Avvisi/ Notice Board of your degree programme.
The application for admission to the Final Examination must be submitted online only (from the portlet Degree and Final Examination available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal, Online Services section), according to the deadlines and steps specified in the chapter Registering for the Final Examination.
You do not need to submit any application form to the Office of Student Services.
In order to be admitted to the Final Examination you must complete the following steps:   
  1. Request of the Final Examination;  
  2. Registering for the Final Examination;
  3. Submission online of the Final Assignment (portfolio).  
Further information
  • Withdrawal from the Final Examination (if you are not going to graduate in the Graduation period for which you applied)
  • Determination of the final grade
  • Graduation Ceremony
  • Copyright and Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
  • Entering the world of work
We suggest you read the Guidelines before you take your Bachelor’s Final Examination.