(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Advancing your Master's courses
If you are enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree programme in “Architecture” at Politecnico di Torino, and you are going to graduate after the September graduation period, you can advance the first-semester courses belonging to the first year of the following Master’s degree programmes

  • Architecture Construction and City
  • Architecture for Sustainable Design
  • Architecture for Heritage Preservation and Enhancement  

This is possible only if you meet some specific requirements. 
To learn about the rules and  procedures for advancing your Master’s courses, please  go to the Master’s degree programmes Portal:  Regole di accesso - Candidati del Politecnico di Torino - Anticipo insegnamenti studenti del Politecnico  (Admissions rules – Applicants from Politecnico di Torino – Advancing Master's courses for applicants from Politecnico di Torino) 

To advance some courses from a Master’s degree programme please follow this procedure: 


  • When you create your Annual Personal Study Plan you need to include your Bachelor’s incomplete courses (with pending exam) and your first-year Master's courses offered in first-semester.        
  • If you get your Bachelor’s degree by February, you will be able to enrol in the Master’s degree programme you have chosen. You will pay only the cost of the revenue stamp and you will be able to add also your Master's second-semester courses, bearing in mind that you need to stick to the limit of 80 credits per academic year.  

  • You need to stick to the above mentioned restrictions and include in your APSP a maximum of 40 credits.  If you get your Bachelor’s degree by February, you will be able to enrol as a part-time student in the Master’s degree programme you have chosen. In this case you will create a new APSP, following the rules for part-time enrolment.
  • You will pay the cost of the revenue stamp only.    

To include the Master's courses you intend to advance in your Bachelor’s APSP: 
  • Log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal  - Online Services tab  - Create your PSP/APSP portlet.
  • After the exams taken in September are recorded in your transcript, if you do not meet the requirements for advancing your future Master's courses, the exams will be automatically deleted from your APSP.
Courses advanced from your future Master's degree programme do not count towards the calculation of the average grade and the total number of credits required for the Bachelor’s degree. In any case, when you subsequently enrol  in the Master’s degree programme, you will get the recognition of the credits of these exams.  

 Procedure:           ·         
  • submit your application for admission to the Master’s degree programme (from your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Apply@polito portlet). Applicantion is possible only if you have earned at least 140 credits at Bachelor’s level before the deadline published on the Master's degree programmes Portal and in the Academic calendar.
  • the outcome of your application will be available on your Apply@polito personal page - Evaluations section.
  •  If you have been admitted,  you cancreate your Annual Personal Study Plan (log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal and choose the portlet Create your PSP/APSP).  You must create your APSP before the deadline illustrated in the Academic calendar.
  • You will see the Master’s courses that can be advanced in the upper window (moduli inseribili). You need to drag and drop them in the lower window (carico didattico).
  • Confirm the operation in order to complete your APSP.    
Please note that you can add your Master's courses in your Bachelor’s APSP only AFTER being admitted to a Master's degree programme (Apply@polito - positive evaluation for admission).