(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Important notice for all merit - based course allocations 
You are required to express all your course preferences (for both 1st and 2nd semester courses) within the following deadlines (also illustrated in the academic calendar) by means of the procedure for the definition of Personal study plan/Annual personal study plan:     
  • From 24th July to 21st September 2020 (merit-based course allocations);
All those who do not respect the above deadline will be able to indicate the order of preference, among the courses with seats still available, in a second phase - period to be defined.
In order to list your courses in order of preference, when required, make sure you include the course title and generic code of each exam  when you fill in your Annual Personal Study Plan. You can find the course titles and codes on the Teaching Portal: Course catalogue – Bachelor’s degree programmes – Architecture -  Course programme (curriculum) of each type of course that you intend to attend. To express your course preferences, log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to “Segreteria online”/"On line services", choose the box “Fill in your PSP/APSP” and click on “View more”.  
After the deadline for course selection, Politecnico counts how many students have chosen each generic code. This number is equally distributed so that places in each course of the same kind are offered  to students on the basis of their preferences and position on the ranking list. If several students have chosen the same course and they have the same position on the ranking list but the number of available seats is less than required, places in the course will be offered taking into account the number of exams passed with honors by each student, and (subsequently) by random computerized drawing.     
The score of the merit ranking list is calculated as follows:
(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn) + (overall weighted average grade* CFU of ungraded exams)
number of semesters from student’s first enrolment in the university system    
Please note: In case of transfer, the semesters of registration at the University of origin will be counted.

  • For allocations of 1st semester courses merit is calculated taking into account the exams taken by each student within the July 2020 examination session;
  • For allocations of 2nd semester courses merit is calculated taking into account the exams taken by each student within the September 2020 examination session.

  • Students on outgoing mobility will not have to express preferences regarding courses provided by the Politecnico during the teaching period abroad.
Methods of assigning the courses
1st YEAR
Allocations of first-year courses take place in alphabetical order.  
2nd YEAR
The Ateliers scheduled for the 2nd year of the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture are assigned according to a merit criterion based on an order of preference expressed by each student during the indicated choice time frames.
The assignment to 2nd year courses and laboratories is a consequence of the assignments to the selected sector. The student expresses preferences through the combinations between the ateliers belonging to the same sector, starting with the "Atelier città e territorio".
The indication of the order of preference of the Ateliers provided in the 2nd semester will be possible, but the assignment will take place only between the two "Construction Ateliers" in continuity with the annual teaching of Environmental Technical Physics as shown in the table below:
1st semesterAnnual2nd semester
Filiera 1
Atelier Città e Territorio A
Prof. A. De Rossi
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. F.G. Tonolo
History of modern architecture
Prof. P. Cornaglia
Technical physics of environment
V. Serra
Atelier Costruzione A
Prof. F. Barpi


Atelier Costruzione B
Prof. M. Borri Brunetto
Science and technology of materials
S. Pagliolico
Atelier Città e Territorio B
Prof. M. Berta
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. F. Chiabrando
Filiera 2
Atelier Città e Territorio C
Prof. L. Reinerio
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. M. Roggero
History of modern architecture
Prof. A. Longhi
Technical physics of environment
A. Astolfi
Atelier Costruzione C
Prof. L. Restuccia


Atelier Costruzione D
Prof. S. Invernizzi
Science and technology of materials
Prof. D. Janner
Atelier Città e Territorio D
Prof. M. Crotti
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. F.G. Tonolo
Filiera 3
Atelier Città e Territorio E
Prof. Da nominare
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. F. Rinaudo
History of modern architecture
S. Beltramo
Technical physics of environment
S. Corgnati  
Atelier Costruzione E
Prof. A. Manuello Bertetto


Atelier Costruzione F
Prof. A. Reggio  
Science and technology of materials
L. Montanaro
Atelier Città e Territorio F
Prof. E. Moncalvo
Laboratory of Geomatics for 
Architecture modeling
Prof. Da nominare
E.g .: the student who has been assigned to the Atelier città e territorio C will fall within the second sector. Therefore, whatever the order of preference indicated among the six construction Ateliers, it will be assigned to Atelier costruzione C or Atelier costruzione D. The attribution to one of these two Ateliers will be carried out on the basis of the merit ranking and on the order of priority indicated when defining the annual personal study plan.
3rd YEAR
1st semester
The assignment of students to the "Storia dell'Architettura e della città" and "Teoria del progetto" Laboratories will take place according to a criterion of merit based on an order of preference expressed by each student when defining the PSP/APSP. load plan didactic. Students will be assigned to the courses of "Teorie e storia del restauro" and "Teorie e strumenti per le valutazioni immobiliari/Real estate evaluation" in alphabetical order.
2nd didactic period
Ateliers listed in table 4:
Allocations are based on merit and take into account the preferences that students expressed when they created their Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan.    
Elective course chosen from Related  or Complementary subjects (discipline affini o integrative):
Allocations are based on merit, in compliance with didactic constraints where required, and take into account the preferences that students expressed when they created their Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan.    
Students who anticipate the Master's degree courses
Students enrolled in the Bachelor's degree programme who, in possession of the required qualifications, anticipate the courses of the Master's Degree may, within the time frame of definition of the Annual personal study plan, express only the courses preferences of the 1st semester of the 1st year and will be awarded according to a merit ranking.
The merit ranking, for students not yet enrolled in the Master's Degree programme, is calculated as follows:                     
(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn) + (overall weighted average grade* CFU of ungraded exams)
_________________________________________________________________________________number of semesters from student’s first enrolment in the university system 
Please note: In case of transfer, the semesters of registration at the University of origin will be counted.
Time frame in which to indicate the order of preference
You must express your course preferences from the opening to fill out the PSP/APSP to 21st September 2020 (merit-based course allocations).
If for any reason you did not express your course preferences during the specified time frame, you will have to choose in a second phase one course only from the list of courses with residual seats in the period from 29th September (10.00 a.m.) to 11.59 p.m. of 1st October 2020 (course allocations based on residual places).  
The attribution will take into account the order of preference, expressed by each student in the definition of the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan, and of the merit ranking.
If you have anticipated some Master’s degree programme's courses, you can make your choices for second-semester courses  only if you have attained the Bachelor's Degree and after enrolling  in your Master’s degree programme and defined the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan within the deadlines in the table below. We remind you that you can choose only from the courses which have residual seats. 
The attribution will take into account the order of preference, expressed by each student in the definition of the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan, and of the merit ranking.
The merit ranking, for students who have proceeded with enrolment in the Master's Degree programme, is calculated as follows:
(total weighted average Three-year degree * 180) + [(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn)] __________________________________________________________________________________________            6 + number of semesters of enrollment in the Master's degree programme
Bachelor's degree
Graduation Session
  Selection of courses with residual seats
 from to
 December 202019th January 2021 - 10.00 a.m.22nd January 2021 - 11.59 p.m.
 February 2021 25th February 2021 - 10.00 a.m.2nMarch 2021 - 11.59 p.m.
How to list your courses in order of preference 
Merit-based allocations
Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to “Segreteria online”, choose the box “Fill in your PSP/APSP” and click on “View more”.  You will be redirected to a new page where you will see only the options available for the generic codes which are already included in your Annual Personal Study Plan. You will now be able to list your courses in order of preference (use the arrows or drag and drop the course title), as shown in Picture 1.
Picture 1.
This procedure can be repeated until the end of the time frame dedicated to the indication of preferences.
*The time frame for choices has been postponed. Information will be updated soon.