- Choose a specialist pathway for your curriculum (if any)
You can choose or modify your specialist pathway during the timeframe for the creation of your PSP/APSP.
- Create your Personal Study Plan (PSP)
Green courses: already passed
Black courses: unpassed or not recorded in your transcript
Grey box: optional courses
Your Personal Study Plan must include all the courses that you are going to take before graduation: 180 credits for Bachelor’s degree programs / 120 credits for Master’s degree programs (this rule does not apply to special courses and projects).
You also need to include the courses belonging to next academic years and the optional courses (free choice credits), following the rules illustrated in the chapter Free Choice Credits.
The PSP overall number of credits includes the Final Project, the foreign language exam, and the internship (if any).
It does not include:
- the credits of the courses that you are going to advance from your Master’s degree program;
- the credits of the Italian language exam (for students with a non-Italian qualification who attend a degree program partially or entirely taught in English).
You can add up to a maximum of 12 extra credits to your Personal Study Plan, thus exceeding the 180-credit threshold. As a general rule, extra credits cannot be removed from your PSP when you register for the Final Examination and they count towards the calculation of your final average grade.
We rtemind you that you will be able to modify again your Personal Study Plan when you enrol in the next academic year.
We remind you that students who first enrolled at PoliTo in a.y. 2012/13 or before MUST NOT create their PERSONAL STUDY PLAN but only their ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN.
For more information on how to choose your Free Choice Credits, please read this section:
> Free Choice Credits