(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Internal transfers - rules for academic year 20/21
Internal transfers between Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Engineering area (Ministerial Decree No.  270/04)
In order to transfer to another Bachelor’s degree programme of the Engineering area, you can apply for an internal transfer IF you meet the following academic requirements:
Students enrolled up to a.y. 2018/2019 (coorte 2018/2019 and previous)
According to the Rector Degree n° 358 of 24/04/2020: 
the internal transfer for the Engineering area (except for Industrial Production Engineering) is possible if you earn at least 18 credits in the following subjects by the end of the September examination session:
  • Mathematical Analysis I,
  • Chemistry,
  • Computer Science,
  • Physics I,
  • Geometry/Linear Algebra and Geometry.
Students enrolled in a.y. 2019/2020 (coorte 2019/20)
The internal transfer for the Engineering area (except for Industrial Production Engineering) is possible if you earn at least 28 credits in the following subjects by the end of the September examination session:
  • Mathematical Analysis I,
  • Chemistry,
  • Computer Science,
  • Physics I,
  • Geometry/Linear Algebra and Geometry.
If you do not meet the above-mentioned requirements, you will have to take the admission test and place yourself on the ranking list. 
For internal transfer from any Engineering Bachelor’s degree programme to the programme in Industrial Production Engineering: you must take the admission test and be on the ranking list. Given the peculiarity of this course, if you make an internal transfer to this programme, you can go abroad to the partner University in the year which follows the one in which the transfer took place.
Transfer from toTransfer requirements
Requirements for updating your
Industrial Production EngineeringOther degree programme (Engineering)Passing your incomplete exams of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Industrial Production EngineeringAt least 40 credits earned in the programme of origin (excluding language exams)
Bachelor’s degree programmes in EngineeringIndustrial Production EngineeringPassing the admission test (TIL)Passing grade in the following exams: Mathematical Analysis I, Physics I, Computer Science, Geometry/Linear Algebra and Geometry
Internal transfer from an Italian-taught degree programme to an English-taught degree programme and vice versa
You are allowed to make an internal transfer from an Italian-taught degree programme to an English-taught programme, or viceversa:  
    • For a.y. 2020/21, due to the covid-19 health emergency, you will be allowed to make an internal transfer even if you do not the required language certificate. You must get your certificate by 30th June 2021; otherwise a hold will be placed on your academic progress:
    • only one time during your studies;
    • only if you did not take nor register any second-year exam (this rule applies also to continuing students enrolled in year 2 or beyond).
Internal transfers from Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Engineering area (any system) to Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Architecture area (system D.M. 270/04) and vice versa
For this kind of transfer, you are required to take the admission test and place yourself on the ranking list. 
Internal transfer from a Bachelor's degree of the Engineering area to the Bachelor's degree Tecnologie per l'Industria Manifatturiera and vice versa
For this kind of transfer, you are required to take the admission test and place yourself on the ranking list. 
How to apply for an internal transferTo apply for an internal transfer follow this procedure and stick to the deadlines illustrated in the academic calendar.  

Important reminder
  • if you are going to apply for an internal transfer you MUST NOT update your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan for the new academic year;
  • you can apply for an internal transfer DURING THE SEPTEMBER EXAMINATION SESSION and take your exams at the same time, but you must not accept the outcome of the evaluation of your previous academic records until all your exams have been recorded in your transcript.
  1. log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal;
  2. select the Online Services tab -  Apply@polito portlet;
  3. select the degree programme you want to transfer to using the button Select your course;
  4. confirm your data and submit your internal transfer application;
  5. wait for the outcome of the evaluation of your previous academic records  – you can check the result in the Evaluations section available on your Apply personal page;
  6. if the outcome is positive (Apply message: request accepted), you need to decide if you want to accept or reject the internal transfer resolution. Important: if you are still waiting for some grades to be recorded in your transcript (for exams taken in the September session), you must wait until all your grades are recorded before you can confirm your internal transfer;
  7.  create your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan for a.y. 2019/2020 within 10 days of the date of acceptance of the internal transfer resolution. For doing it, log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online Services tab - Create your Personal Study Plan/ Annual Personal Study Plan portlet.
Important: if you get the outcome of the evaluation of your previous academic records after the closing date for the creation of your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan, you still have 10 days to complete this procedure (from the date of acceptance/refusal of your internal transfer resolution).
The cost of the internal transfer application (50 €) is charged only if you do not confirm your internal transfer after seeing the results of the evaluation of your previous academic records.
Creating your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study PlanYou must create your PSP/APSP within 10 days of the date of acceptance of your internal transfer resolution.   

If you are transferring to a Bachelor’s degree programme of the Engineering area (except for Industrial Production Engineering) you can include your second and third-year courses in your APSP: 
  • if you have earned the required credits in the core subjects: Mathematical Analysis I (MAT/05), Chemistry ( CHIM/07), Computer Science (ING-INF/05) Physics I  (FIS/01), Linear Algebra and Geometry (MAT/03 – MAT/08) 
  • if you have earned at least 40 credits in any subject (excluding the English language exam) in your Bachelor's degree programme of origin.   

In any case, you must add your first-year incomplete courses (for which the exam is still pending) before any new course. 
If you have any unfulfilled academic requirements, you are allowed to include only your first-year courses in your APSP. 