(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Credit TRANSFER for forfeited or withdrawn students
You can request credit transfer (i.e., recognition of the credits you have earned during previous academic studies) if:
  • you have withdrawn from Politecnico di Torino or from another university;
  • if you have been declared forfeited by Politecnico di Torino or by another university
To apply for credit transfer you need to meet the deadlines and requirements for admissions to Politecnico and you must:   
  1. enter the information on your previous academic studies on the Apply@polito platform (only if you have studied at another university);
  2. upload the course syllabus of each exam that you have successfully passed (only if the exam has not been taken at Politecnico);
  3. pay 150 € if you have studied at another university (NOT at Politecnico). This fee will not be deducted from your tuition fees.
You will be able to check the result of the evaluation of your previous academic records on your personal page before accepting or rejecting your credit recognition resolution.
If you accept the result of the evaluation of your previous academic records, you must pay 16 € for each credit that has been recognized. You have 30 working days to pay this fee (this fee is due only if you have studied at another university). After you pay, Politecnico will update your records and no further changes will be possible after that moment. 
Please note that if you are admitted to Politecnico after having withdrawn or forfeited from another university, you are required to earn:
  • at least 60 credits (including the Final Project credits) at Politecnico in order to get your Bachelor’s degree
  • at least 50 credits (excluding the Thesis credits) at Politecnico in order to get your Master’s degree
 Creating your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan  
You are required to create your Personal Study Plan (PSP) and fill in your Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP) within 10 days of the date of your enrolment.
You can include your second and third-year courses in your APSP:
  • if you have been recognized at least 28 credits in the core subjects: Mathematical Analysis I (MAT/05), Chemistry ( CHIM/07), Computer Science (ING-INF/05) Physics I  (FIS/01), Linear Algebra and Geometry (MAT/03 – MAT/08) 
  • if you have been recognized 40 credits in any subject (excluding the English language exam).
In any case, you must add your first-year incomplete courses before including any other course. 
If you have some unfulfilled academic requirements, you are allowed to include only your first-year courses in your APSP. 
You can also include your first-year free-choice credits in your APSP. If you are recognized the credits of Mathematical Analysis I or if you pass it at Politecnico by the Winter examination session, you will be able to choose an optional course (free choice credits).