(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Recognition of NON-ITALIAN degrees
Recognition of credits earned at a non-Italian universityIf you are transferring to Politecnico from a non-Italian university and you have passed some exams abroad, you can apply for the recognition of the credits you have earned. Make sure you follow these instructions:
  • When you fill out your admission application (Apply@polito) you must enter the information on your previous academic studies with full details of each exam, number of credits and grade;
  • You must upload your transcript of records (with exams and grades) and the syllabus of each course;
  • You can request the recognition of credits earned aboard only one time during your studies following the instructions available on the International students' website  - "Recognition of a foreign qualification" section.
More information on how to request the recognition of credits earned abroad is available on the International Students website.
Recognition of a non-Italian degree
You can apply for the recognition of a degree awarded by a non-Italian university for the following purposes:
a) admission to a Bachelor's/ Master’s degree programme
b) credit transfer for enrolment in a Bachelor's/ Master’s degree programme
c) admission to the State Examination for Professional Practice (Esame di stato)
d) conferral of the corresponding Italian degree (equipollenza)
With regard to cases a) and b): the validity of your non-Italian degree is evaluated after you apply to Politecnico from the Apply@polito platform.
With regard to cases c) and d): you must submit your application and supporting documents to the Incoming Mobility Office.  

For more information please check the International students' website  - "Recognition of a foreign qualification" section.