(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Withdrawal from studies
If you wish to withdraw from your studies at Politecnico di Torino, you must declare your clear and explicit intention to leave the university, without any conditions, terms or clauses which might limit the effectiveness of your declaration.
Before withdrawing from the university, you are required to pay your outstanding debts due to Politecnico. When you withdraw, you lose the right to receive any kind of tuition fee reimbursement, even if you leave the university before the end of the academic year.
If you are enrolled for the current academic year but you haven’t paid the second instalment of your tuition fees yet, you are not required to pay it, as long as you withdraw before the
deadline of the second instalment.
Any certificate issued by Politecnico on your previous studies will include an additional declaration mentioning that you withdrew from your studies.

How to withdraw from studies
To withdraw from studies follow the procedure below:
• access your personal page of the teaching portal;
• via the Online Services, select Withdrawal from studies from the section called "Transfer out/ Withdrawal from studies";
• declare to acknowledge the effects resulting from the withdrawal from studies;
• follow the online instructions for the payment of the € 16 (stamp duty);
• make the payment;
• submit the request.
It is not possible to complete the procedure if there are irregularities relating to the student's virtual account or student's career. In this case, the student must request assistance by sending a ticket to the Fee office.

Confirmation of the withdrawal from studies will be notified to the student at the institutional email address (s <matricola> @