(2020 - 2021)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Studying abroad - Mobility programmes
The academic world is part of the European integration process. Free movement of European workers is also a goal for future engineers and architects. Diversity across university systems in EU and non-EU countries in the field of engineering and architecture leads to the conferral an array of different qualifications. In this scenario it is important to encourage transparency and  improve communication between students and university staff in order to better understand each other, know the specific learning paths and recognize foreign degrees.
The institutions of the European Union have identified these needs and have implemented specific programmes to foster interuniversity cooperation and interaction among universities, businesses and research centres. International mobility programmes are designed to give students the opportunity to spend study and training periods abroad. The most important programme is the Erasmus+ programme, which involves 34 countries, mainly from the European Union.  There are also many other mobility opportunities to non-European countries. 
Mobility programmes
Politecnico di Torino understands the importance of international mobility. For this reason, our university has been investing considerable resources to foster student mobility and implement specific projects. Over a thousand students a year have the opportunity to enrich their learning paths by participating in an international mobility project.
If you wish to take part in a mobility project or receive a scholarship funded by Politecnico you are invited to submit your application for international mobility normally in the month of December. In addition to this, there may be other university calls for applications for specific mobility programmes or training opportunities promoted by other universities or partner institutions.
The following Politecnico bodies are in charge of running international mobility programmes:

  • The International Mobility Board (Commissione Mobilità Internazionale): it is composed of the Vice-Rector for International Affairs, the Vice-Rector for Education, the Rector's Advisor for Student Mobility and Erasmus+, the Director-General and the Head of the International Affairs Department;
  • The Committee on International Mobility Management (Comitato Gestione Mobilità Internazionale): its members are appointed by the various Collegi and by the Rector's Advisor for Student Mobility and Erasmus+; it is also composed of other members appointed by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs.
  • The Academic Advisors for International Mobility: they are appointed by each degree programme, Collegio or Educational Division.
There is also a specific administrative office (Outgoing Mobility Office - located in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, main campus, ground floor, on the side of odd-numbered rooms) that you can contact for more information (learning paths, relations with partner universities, available funding, administrative support for study periods abroad…).