Transfers and evaluation of previous academic records
University and offices closing dates
FULL TIME / PART TIME with new courses (included for the first time)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Wednesday, 28/07/2021 to Sunday, 19/09/2021
Time frame for creating your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan with new courses (added to your APSP for the first time)
To be defined
Time frame to select preferences for Ateliers, Labs and Courses
Saturday, 28/08/2021 to Sunday, 19/09/2021
Time frame for choosing courses of the first period on the first year of the Master's degree programme for students that advance those courses in the Bachelor's degree programme
Sunday, 19/09/2021
Deadline for indication of the order of preference of courses assigned by merit ranking
Tuesday, 12/10/2021
Deadline for enrolment and payment of tuition fees - for continuing students (enrolling in year 2 or beyond)
Tuesday, 30/11/2021
Deadline for changing your Annual Personal Study Plan from full-time to part-time (only for students who meet specific requirements)
Friday, 11/03/2022
Deadline for changing your Annual Personal Study Plan from part-time to full time for students with “unfulfilled academic requirements” who pass their barrier exams within the winter examination session
Wednesday, 30/03/2022
Deadline for paying the second instalment of your tuition fees
FULL TIME / PART TIME with old courses only (already included in a previous APSP)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Wednesday, 28/07/2021 to Tuesday, 30/11/2021
Time frame for creating your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan with only exams aready included in previous academic year
Tuesday, 30/11/2021
Deadline for enrolment and payment of tuition fees - for continuing students (enrolling in year 2 or beyond)
Wednesday, 30/03/2022
Deadline for paying the second instalment of your tuition fees
FULL TIME / PART TIME for students with Thesis credits pending only
A.Y. 2021/2022
Wednesday, 28/07/2021 to Tuesday, 30/11/2021
Time frame for creating your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan for students approaching the end of their studies (who only have their thesis credits still pending)
Tuesday, 30/11/2021
Deadline for paying the fixed fee amount
Monday, 27/09/2021 to Friday, 14/01/2022
First semester classes
Monday, 01/11/2021
University closure (no classes)
Wednesday, 08/12/2021
University closure (no classes)
Thursday, 23/12/2021 to Friday, 07/01/2022
Christmas break (no classes)
Monday, 28/02/2022 to Saturday, 11/06/2022
Second semester classes
Thursday, 14/04/2022 to Wednesday, 20/04/2022
Easter break (no classes)
Monday, 25/04/2022
University closure (no classes)
Thursday, 02/06/2022
University closure (no classes)
Friday, 24/06/2022
University closure (no classes)
To be defined
University closure (no classes)
There are 3 exam sessions for each course. Two exam dates are scheduled for the examination session immediately after course delivery, plus one exam date during the other two examination sessions, as indicated in the scheme below.
Exam datesare available on the Teaching Portal We remind you that:
You can take an exam after the corresponding course has been delivered if you included it in your Annual Personal Study Plan (APSP). For courses taught through video lectures, you can take the exam during any examination session no matter when the course is delivered, unless otherwise decided by the teaching staff.
When two exam dates for the same course are scheduled for the same examination session, you are allowed to take the exam on both dates, even if you fail your exam at the first attempt.
Extraordinary examination sessions new
Only available for students without any missing attendance in any course (it is possible to take a maximum of 2 exams for each extraordinary session).
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 24th July 2021
from 13/12/2021 to 28/12/2021
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is:6th November 2021
* Session available also to students enrolled in a.y. 2020/2021, provided that they have passed all the exams by September 2021
from 21/02/2022 to 26/02/2022
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 15th January 2022
from 06/06//2022 to 15/06/2022
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 09 April 2022
* Extraordinary graduation session, as approved by the Academic Senate on 28 April 2022.
The session will be held exclusively online. The graduation parchments will be delivered in the July 2022 session.
JULY 2022
from 18/07/2022 to 23/07/2022
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 11th June 2022
from 19/09/2022 to 24/09/2022
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 09th July 2022
DECEMBER 2022 **
from 12/12/2022 to 17/12/2022
The latest IELTS session which allows you to get the results in time for registering for this Final Examination/Graduation period is: 05th November 2022
** Session available also to students enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022, provided that they have passed all the exams by September 2022