Payment deadlines are also available in the Academic Calendar 2021/2022.
Tuition fee reductionYou can get a tuition fee reduction only if you specifically apply for it. Read the Tuition Fee Regulations and the Tuition Fee Guide 2021/2022 for information on how to apply for the tuition fee reduction.If you are a full-time or a part-time student, you can get a tuition fee reduction based on your family’s financial condition. You need to have an ISEE Universitario or ISEE Parificato in order to apply for tuition fee reduction.Tuition fees must be paid in two instalments (except for students "approaching the end of their studies"): - first-year students: the first instalment of the tuition fees is due upon enrolment; the second instalment is due by 30th March 2022.
- continuing students (enrolled in year 2 or beyond): the first instalment of the tuition fees is due upon enrolment (by 12th October 2021); the second instalment is due by 30th March 2022.
For more information, please read the Tuition Fee Regulations and the Tuition Fee Guide 2021/2022 (Section 3). Payment methods You can pay your tuition fees from your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online Services tab – Tuition fees and payments portlet – Pay your tuition feesusing the PagoPa system. On the PagoPa system you can choose if you want to make:- an immediate payment (by credit card or other payment methods available on the PagoPA platform);
- a deferred payment by generating a pre-printed notice of payment (MAV).
Please note: if you choose a deferred payment method to pay an operation that normally requires a simultaneous payment (i.e. first enrolment/enrolment in next academic years, registration for the final examination etc.), you must certify the date of your payment (with a self-certificate). To certify the date of your payment, you must go back to the guided procedure (first enrolment/enrolment in the next academic years, registration for the final examination, etc.) and click the button "Record your payment".
We remind you that you cannot pay your tuition fees by bank transfer.