As a Bachelor’s student, you incur in forfeiture in the following cases:
a. if you do not pass your first-year compulsory exams (required for admission to your second year of study) in two years. In this case, you are considered a forfeited student and cannot continue your studies in the same academic path. If you want to re-enrol at Politecnico in a nwe programme, you must sit and pass the admission test and conveniently place yourself on the ranking list;
b. if you do not pass any exam for three consecutive years, or if you do not pass all the exams (excluding the Final Examination) in six years. In this case, you are considered a forfeited student and cannot continue your studies in the same academic path. After forfeiture, you can enrol in the same Bachelor’s degree programme (if still offered) only if you pass the admission test again. You have to register for the admission test by the deadlines.
A year of part-time enrolment counts as 0.5 / year.
Each year of non-enrolment counts as 1 year.
When you forfeit and enrol again in a Bachelor’s degree programme as first-year student, you can request the recognition of the credits earned before forfeiture.
The rules on forfeiture provided for by article 15 of the Student Regulations are applicable to the students who first enrolled at Politecnico starting from a.y. 2016/2017.
The rules on forfeiture also apply to the students who first enrolled at Politecnico before a.y. 2016/2017, but in this case the number of years of enrolment is calculated starting from a.y. 2016/2017 a.y., instead of taking into account the actual date of first enrolment.
An appeal to the Rector for deferment of the terms of forfeiture is permitted in the event of serious and certifiable reasons.
The admission test is always compulsory for students who have forfeited from a previuos programme.
The registration deadlines for the admission test are the following:
Thursday 4th September 2020 | 28 August 2020 - at 12.00 | |
More information about the admission requirements and the test is available at:
How to register for the admission test