You can take the IELTS exam at Politecnico in order to get a B2 level English language certificate (CEFR). If you pass the exam with the required score, you will automatically earn the English exam credits. You do not need to take any further action.
OTHER CERTIFICATES taken outside Polito
You can also get an English language certificate (B2 level or above) outside Politecnico.Your certificate must be included in the table available in the “Requirements” section. You must send a ticket to your Office of Student Services and provide the details of your certificate.
You do NOT need to send a scanned copy of your certificate in the following cases:
- IELTS certificate: you must send a ticket with the TRF Number of your certificate (you can find this number on your certificate or in the message you received by e-mail when the results were published);
- CAMBRIDGE certificate: on your personal page of the Cambridge website you must select the option to share your results with Politecnico di Torino - see instructions at: Then, you must send a ticket with your Candidate’s ID Number; - TOEFL certificate: you must specify the code of Politecnico di Torino (unicode: C285) when you register for the TOEFL exam;
If you are unable to provide the above-mentioned information, you must send a ticket to the Office of Student Services and upload a scanned copy of your CAMBRIDGE certificate or Statement of Results, or a scanned copy of your TOEFL certificate (if you had not indicated the unicode before).For all other English language certificates, you must show your original certificate to the Office of Student Services. Your English language exam will be recorded in your transcript and you will automatically earn the corresponding credits. The Office of Student Services will make a copy of your certificate and return the original back to you.You can also present your certificate using the Ticketing Service (send a ticket to the Office of Student Services).
Considering that it takes a long time to receive the original certificate from the examination board, we recommend you get your certificate well in advance of the deadlines.
We remind you that English language exams (graded or ungraded) taken at other universities are NOT accepted in substitution for the English language certificate.
If you have an Italian high school diploma, you may be required to show your original English language certificate to the Office of the University Registrar.
If you have a non-Italian high school diploma, you may be required to show your original English language certificate to the Incoming Mobility Office.