(2021 - 2022)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Students who are admitted to Politecnico with a foreign qualification are required either to demonstrate or to achieve an adequate knowledge of the Italian language during their studies, according to the rules of each Bachelor's degree programme.
If you apply for admission to an Italian-taught Bachelor’s degree programme and you have a non-Italian high school diploma, you must prove your knowledge of the Italian language: this is an admission requirement.
Visit the website of the International Affairs Department in order to find out about the language requirements and the language certificates recognised by the Politecnico di Torino. Once you have been admitted to the degree programme, the certificate you have submitted will be recorded in your personal data, Online Services tab of your PoliTo page.
You will not have to sit any additional Italian language exams.
IMPORTANT NOTICE for students with provisional enrolment for the academic year 2020/2021 due to the lack of Italian language certificate required for admission: the provisional condition must be dropped by presenting one of the Italian language certificates required by 31 December 2021.
If you hold a foreign high-school diploma and have enrolled in an Italian-taught Bachelor’s degree programme with first year taught in English, your knowledge of the Italian language is a requirement for you to continue with your Degree programme: you must pass an Italian language exam at a minimum level of B1 (CEFR) by the end of the first year.
You will therefore find the Italian language course (02PIKLZ Italian language level III) included in your APSP of the first year, in supernumerary to the 180 credits required to earn the degree.
The inclusion of the Italian course in your APSP will enable you to use the specific procedure, soon available on the Lingue/Languages tab of your PoliTo page, which will allow you to choose whether or not to attend an Italian language course in the first semester of the first year
If, alternatively, you obtain the PLIDA certificate or a substitute certificate of an adequate level outside the Politecnico, you can request the registration of the mandatory Italian language exam included in your APSP by attaching the required language certificate on your PoliTo personal page. With regard to this, the University reserves the right to carry out a check on a sample of at least 5% of students, requesting the submission of original documentation and verifying the truthfulness of this documentation with the providers.
If you hold a non-Italian high-school diploma and have enrolled in an English-taught Bachelor’s degree programme at the Politecnico di Torino, your knowledge of Italian is a prerequisite for graduation: you will have to pass an Italian language exam at a minimum level of A2 (CEFR) in order to graduate. 
The Italian language course 01OXGLZ Lingua Italiana II livello (Italian language II level) will therefore be included in your APSP of the first year, in supernumerary to the 180 credits required for the degree.
If, on the other hand, you obtain PLIDA certificate or a substitute certificate of an adequate level outside the Politecnico, you can request the registration of the mandatory Italian language exam included in your APSP by attaching the required language certificate on your PoliTo personal page. With regard to this, the University reserves the right to carry out a check on a sample of at least 5% of students, requesting the submission of original documentation and verifying the truthfulness of this documentation with the providers.

The Italian language courses offered at Politecnico are available only for students who must pass an Italian language exam. These courses have the only objective to prepare students to take the mandatory exam included in their Annual Personal Study Plan/Learning Agreement.
The Italian language courses offered at Politecnico and the corresponding CEFR levels are listed below: 
  • 02NDLLZLingua Italiana I livello (Italian language first level): level A1 (CEFR)
  • 01OXGLZ Lingua Italiana II livello (Italian language second level): level A2 (CEFR)
  • 02PIKLZ Lingua Italiana III livello (Italian language third level): level B1 (CEFR)
  • 02PILLZ Lingua Italiana IV livello (Italian language fourth level): level B2 (CEFR)
You can access the Italian language lessons through a specific procedure available on the Lingue/Languages TAB of your personal page of the Teaching Portal. Further information is available on the CLA website. 
The procedure may have one of the following results:
  • you have an Italian language level that is suitable for the level of the mandatory Italian language exam included in your APSP/LA. In this case, you can choose to direclty attend that course and take the mandatory Italian exam starting from the first examination session available;
or else,
  • your Italian language level does not allow you to attend directly the mandatory Italian language course included in your APSP/LA. In this case, you may choose to attend one or more Italian language courses to prepare for your mandatory Italian exam. You will take your mandatory Italian language exam when you are ready to do so.
PLEASE NOTE: these Italian courses
  • prepare you for the mandatory Italian language exam and have no final exam;
  • correspond to your language level (suggested by the result of the procedure for accessing Italian language lessons);
  • can be attended only once per suggested level and only if you have not yet passed your mandatory Italian exam;
  • are not included in your APSP/LA; 
  • are shown in the section Other Courses on your perosonal page - La mia didattica/My Academic progress TAB; 
  • if chosen, they will be displayed in your weekly timetable; 
  • cannot replace the mandatory Italian language exam included in your APSP/LA. 

On your personal page of the Teaching Portal -  My Academc Progress TAB  - Preparatory Materials sectionyou will find  some self-study materials (video lessons for absolute beginner’s level and for A1-CEFR level). Further information is available on the  website of the Language Centre (CLA) or may be required through the ticketing system available on your PoliTo page, Ticket TAB.

After attending the Italian language course of the level corresponding to the mandatory Italian course included in your APSP, you can: 
  • take the University Italian exam in any examination session, (check the general deadlines and procedures for all exams at Politecnico in the Student Guide).  If you pass this University exam, the Italian language exam included in your APSP will be recorded in your trascript as "passed". The registration is automatic; you do not need to make any further requests. Please note: attending courses and taking the University Italian language exam does not entitle you to obtain any certificates of knowledge of the Italian language.
or else,
  • get the PLIDA A2/B1 Certificate in one of the PLIDA sessions organised by Politecnico. Further information is available on the website of the Language Centre, PLIDA section . The PLIDA certificate obtained at Politecnico will be automatically recorded in your personal data (Languages TAB), and the Italian language exam included in your APSP will be automatically recorded in your trascript as "passed". 
The rules on the Italian language course for non-Italian students who enrolled at Politecnico before a.y. 2014/2015 are illustrated in the Italian Language Regulations of each academic year.

Italian Language Regulations for non-Italian students (2011/12)
Italian Language Regulations for non-Italian students (2012/13)
Italian Language Regulations for non-Italian students (2013/14)    