(2022 - 2023)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Important notice for all merit-based course allocations 
You are required to express all your course preferences (for both 1st and 2nd semester courses) within the following deadlines (also illustrated in the academic calendar) by means of the procedure for the definition of Personal study plan/Annual Personal Study Plan:     
  • Until 18th September 2022 (merit-based course allocations);
If you do not respect the above deadline, you will have the possibility to indicate the order of preference, among the courses that still have some places available, in a second phase - period to be defined.  The second phase will be activated only if there are at least two courses/atelier with available places. Otherwise, course allocations will be automatic.
In order to rank your courses in order of preference, when required, make sure you include the course title and generic code of each course  when you fill in your Annual Personal Study Plan. You can find the course titles and codes on the Teaching Portal: Course catalogue – Bachelor’s degree programmes – Architecture -  Course programme (curriculum) of each type of course that you want to attend. To express your course preferences, log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to the “Segreteria online”/"On line services" TAB,  choose the “Creating your PSP/APSP” portlet and click on “View more”.  
After the deadline for course selection, Politecnico counts how many students have chosen each generic code. This number is equally distributed so that places in each course of the same kind are offered  to students on the basis of their preferences and position on the ranking list. 
If several students have chosen the same course and they have the same position on the ranking list but the number of available seats is less than required, places in the course will be offered taking into account the number of exams passed with honors by each student, and (subsequently) by random computerized drawing.     
The score of the merit ranking list is calculated as follows:
(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn) + (overall weighted average grade* CFU of ungraded exams)
number of semesters from student’s first enrolment in the university system    
Please note: In case of internal transfer or transfers from other universities, the semesters of registration at the University of origin will be counted.

  • For allocations of 1st semester courses merit is calculated taking into account the exams taken by each student within the July 2022 examination session;
  • For allocations of 2nd semester courses merit is calculated taking into account the exams taken by each student within the September 2022 examination session.
Outgoing mobility students must not express any preferences regarding courses offred by Politecnico during the semester/semesters they will spend abroad.
Please note that it is not possible to modify merit-based allocations of courses/atelier.
Course allocations methods
1st YEAR
Allocations of first-year courses take place in alphabetical order.  
2nd YEAR
The Ateliers scheduled for the 2nd year of the Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture are assigned according to a merit criterion based on the order of preference expressed by each student while creating the Personal Study Plan. 
Second-year courses and Labs are assigned to students depending on the pathway ("filiera") they have been assigned to.
You can rank your Ateliers in order of preference choosing from the Ateliers that belong to the same pathway ("filiera"), starting from the  “Atelier città e territorio" you have been assigned to (A, B, C, D, E, F). You can also rank your second-semester Ateliers in order of preference, but allocations will take place only for the two "Construction Ateliers" depending on the annual course "Fisica tecnica ambientale", in accordance with the table below:
1st semesterAnnual2nd semester
Filiera 1Atelier Città e Territorio A Prof. A. De RossiLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof. F.Giulio TonoloStoria dell'architettura moderna
Prof. P. Cornaglia
Fisica tecnica ambientale
Prof.ssaV. Serra
Atelier Costruzione AProf. Da nominare
Atelier Costruzione BProf. Da nominare
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali
Prof.ssaS. Pagliolico
Atelier Città e Territorio B  Prof. M. BertaLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof. F. Chiabrando
Filiera 2Atelier Città e Territorio C Prof. Da nominareLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof. M. RoggeroStoria dell'architettura moderna
Prof.ssa   C. Cuneo
Fisica tecnica ambientale
A. Astolfi
Atelier Costruzione CProf. Da nominare
Atelier Costruzione DProf. Da nominare
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali
Prof. D. Janner
Atelier Città e Territorio D  Prof.ssa S. GronLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof. F. Chiabrando
Filiera 3Atelier Città e Territorio E  Prof. Da nominareLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof.ssa A. SpanòStoria dell'architettura moderna
Prof.ssaC. Devoti
Fisica tecnica ambientale
Prof.S. Corgnati  
Atelier Costruzione EProf. Da nominare
Atelier Costruzione FProf. Da nominare  
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali
Prof.ssaL. Montanaro
Atelier Città e Territorio F Prof. G. AmbrosiniLaboratorio di geomatica per la modellazione dell'architettura Prof. Da nominare

Example: if you are assigned to "Atelier città e territorio C", you belong to the second pathway ("filiera"). For this reason, you will be assigned to "Atelier Costruzione C" or to "Atelier Costruzione D" regardless of the order of preference you expressed among the six Construction Ateliers. Your allocation to either Atelier C or D will be based on a merit-ranking list and
on the order of preference that you expressed during the creation of your Annual Personal Study Plan.  
3rd YEAR
1st semester
Students will be assigned to the "Teoria del progetto" and "Storia dell'Architettura e della città" Laboratories based on merit and on the order of preference expressed by each student when they created their PSP/APSP.
The allocations to the courses "Teoria e storia del restauro" and "Teorie e strumenti per le valutazioni immobiliari" will be made in alphabethical order.
2nd  semester
Ateliers listed in table 4:
Allocations are merit-based and take into account the preferences that students expressed when they created their Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan.    
Elective course chosen from Related  or Complementary subjects (discipline affini o integrative):
Allocations are merit-based, in compliance with secific teaching requirements, and take into account the preferences that students expressed when they created their Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan.    
Students who advance some Master's courses
Bachelor's students who advance some courses belonging to thier future Master's degree programme may, within the time frame of definition of the Annual personal study plan, express only the preferences for the courses offered in the 1st semester of the 1st year of their Master's degree programme.Allocations will be merit-based.
The merit ranking list for students who have not yet enrolled in a Master's Degree programme is calculated as follows:                     
(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn) + (overall weighted average grade* CFU of ungraded exams)
number of semesters from student’s first enrolment in the university system 
Please note: In case of transfer, the semesters of registration at the University of origin will be counted.
When to rank courses in order of preference
You must express your course preferences until the 18th September 2022 (merit-based course allocations).
If for any reason you do not express your course preferences during the specified time frame, you will have the possibility to specify your order of prefrence among the courses that have residual places in a second phase (time frame to be defined).
The second phase will be activated only if there are at least two courses/atelier with available places. Otherwise, course allocations will be automatic.
If you have advanced some Master’s courses, you can express the order of preference for your second-semester courses during a time frame to be defined if you have attained your Bachelor's degree and after you enrol  in your Master’s degree programme and define your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan. 
We remind you that you can choose only from the courses which have residual seats. 
The attribution will take into account the order of preference, expressed by each student in the definition of the Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan, and of the merit ranking list.
The merit ranking, for students who have enrolled in the Master's degree programme is calculated as follows:
(total weighted average Three-year degree * 180) + [(GR1 * CFU1) + (GR2 * CFU2) + (GRn * CFUn)] __________________________________________________________________________________________           
6 + number of semesters of enrollment in the Master's degree programme
Bachelor's degree awarded inExpression of preferences among courses with available places
December 2022to be defined
to be defined
February 2023to be definedto be defined
How to express your order of preference 
Merit-based allocations
Log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online ServicesTAB - Create Personal Study Plan/Annual personal Study Plan PORTLET. You will be redirected to a new page displaying the possible choices (exclusively for the generic codes already included in your APSP). You can rank the courses in order of preference using the arrows or dragging and dropping them in the desired position, as illustrated in picture 1. 
Picture 1.
You can repeat this operation as many times as you wish until the closing date of the time frame for expressing the order of preference. 