(2022 - 2023)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
free choice credits
You must rank in order of preference all your optional courses (merit-based allocations) offered in first and second semester when you create your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan. The deadline here below is written in the academic calendar too:
  • from 21st July 2022 al 18th September 2022 (merit-based ranking list)
Course allocations - Second phase
If you have not ranked your courses in order of preference (merit-based courses with PoliTo allocations) when you created your PSP/APSP, you will be given the opportunity to express your preferences among the courses with residual places during a second phase. You can choose:
- courses offered in the course catalogue of Politecnico di Torino suggested by the various Collegi;
- Big Global Challenges courses.
You need rank your courses in order of preference through the guided procedure for the creation of your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan between 10:00 a.m. of 7th October 2022 and 11:59 p.m. of 14th October  2022.  At the end of this period, Politecnico will draw up the merit-based ranking list. The course you have been assigned to will be automatically included in your PSP/APSP.
Free choice credits from Politecnico course catalogue are the following:
  • courses offered in the course catalogue of Politecnico di Torino suggested by the various Collegi;
  • Big Global Challenges courses (available in second semester - 15 places for each course for all Bachelor's degree programmes of the Architecture Area)
  • courses offered by the University of Turin (3 places for all Bachelor's degree programmes of Politecnico)
  • courses offered by Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti di Torino (3 places for all Bachelor's degree programmes of Politecnico)
  • courses offered by Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo (3 places for all Bachelor's degree programmes of Politecnico)
Before ranking your courses in order of preference, make sure you read the information available in the programme curriculum, in particular the features of each course.

We remind you that:
  • Politecnico cannot ensure that the schedule of these courses will not overlap with PoliTo compulsory courses.
  • you are not allowed to modify these courses after the allocations take place nor during the year.
If you plan to graduate in February 2023, we suggest you to choose courses offered in first semester.
Courses will be assigned on the basis of a merit ranking list and depending on the number of places reserved for the students of the Bachelor's Programme of the Collegio of Architecture, Design, Urban Studies and Planning.
You will be allowed to express your preferences only if you had previously inserted in your APSP one or two among the generic codes of the "University catalogue: free choice courses subject to merit ranking from table 1/2"shown in the curriculum. 
In order to express your preferences, log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, go to "Segreteria online"/"Online services", then select "Accedi"/"Access" and click on "Compila piano carriera – carico didattico"/"Create your PSP/APSP".
Calculation of the merit score: 

(V1 * CFU1) + (V2 * CFU2) + (Vn * CFUn) + (overall weighted average * CFU
______________________________________________________________________________________                    number of semesters from first enrolment in the university system.
PLEASE NOTE: in case of transfer, the semesters of registration at the University of origin will be counted.
The number of semesters is calculated starting from the first enrolment in the university system. The score is calculated taking into account only those exams that were recognized and validated by Politecnico di Torino.  
In order to allocate all courses both in the first and in the second semester, the calculation of the merit score is based on the exams passed within the July 2022 examination session.   
How to indicate the order of preference of the courses proposed by the University course catalogue

Merit-based allocations
Upon completion of your PSP/APSP, you will be redirected to a new page. From this page you can express your preferences only for the courses which have a generic code in your APSP.
You can set the order of preference using the arrows or dragging and dropping the courses, as illustrated in picture no.1:
Picture no. 1
The course catalogue for a.y. 2022/23 includes the list of courses offered by the degree programme.
There are 4.5 hours of classes a week on Monday and Thursday afternoon. All courses are divided in two time slots.
  1st and 2nd SEMESTER (4,5 h/week per course)
Course 1MON 3h (16.00 - 19.00)THU 1,5h (14.30 - 16.00)
Course 2MON 1,5h (14.30 - 16.00)THU 3h (16.00 - 19.00)

First-semester classes will start one week after the beginning of the other courses. Second-semester classes will follow the standard class schedule.
This catalogue includes 24 courses organized in 6 thematic areas (climate, mobility, digital world, health, energy, humans and technologies). These courses are co-taught by two professors (one with a "technical" background and one with a background in human sciences).
The Big Global Challenges stem from the idea of addressing current ethical, political and social issues. They aim to encourage new multidisciplinary research for a stronger impact on society and the territory.
The course structure is the following:
  • theoretical introduction:
  1. general introduction on each one of the 6 Great Challenges - 3 hours;
  2. specific lectures;
  • practical training.
  1. design and implementation of projects that allow students to put into practice what they have learnt (following an interdisciplinary approach).
For more information on these courses and their syllabi please check the course catalogue of your degree programme.
The course catalogue for a.y. 2022/23 includes the list of courses offered by the University of Turin. Please check the notes of each course.
You can choose a course offered by Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin, Italy (the list of courses is available in the course catalogue for a.y. 2022/23. See the relevant notes).
A maximum of 50 students will be admitted to these courses with a limit of 3 students for each course.
If applications exceed this number, students will be chosen based on a merit ranking list, created by the Division of Student Affairs.  Students admitted to a course at Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti will receive a special message with the instructions to register for the courses. Please consider that we cannot ensure that these courses will not overlap with your PoliTO lectures.
You are required to select the courses offered by other Universities during the period for the creation of your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan. They cannot be chosen later.

All information is available at:

You can choose one course offered by Istituto Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo (IUSTO) in substitution for a course listed in the catalogue of free choice credits (information available in the Course catalogue 2022/2023. (Please see the notes.)
This opportunity is reserved to maximum 30 students from Politecnico, with a limit of 3 students admitted to the same course.
If applications exceed this number, students will be chosen based on a merit ranking list, drawn up by the Division of Student Affairs. Admitted students will receive an email with the instructions on how to register for the course.
Please consider that we cannot ensure that these courses will not overlap with your PoliTO lectures.
More information on IUSTO Rebaudengo is available at:
The Research essay is not assigned to students on the basis of merit. When you create your PSP/APSP, you must enter the  denomination and the code indicated in the teaching portal "Course catalogue - Curriculum".

The Research Essay is carried out by the student under the supervision and coordination of a University lecturer (tutor) pertaining to the "Collegio di Architettura". The topic of the Research Essay is agreed directly by the student with the tutor.
The Internship allows you to earn 12 free credits.
When you create your PSP/APSP, you must enter the  denomination and the code indicated in the teaching portal "Course catalogue - Curriculum".
As far as the organization and assignment are concerned, please refer to our Career services.
If you are interested in earning all or part of your 12 free credits through the activities below, you must enter the generic codes 02SBCPM Other training activities (12 cfu) or 01SBCPM Other training activities (6 cfu) whn you create your PSP/ APSP.
Politecnico can recognize 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 credits depending on the activity. Politecnico can recognize more than one learning activities outside the University during your educational path.
You can ask for the recognition of training activities undertaken outside Politecnico if they are relevant to and coherent with your degree programme. 
You can ask for the recognition of external activities that you have carried out outside the University before your enrolment at Politecnico, but you must do it during the admission phase (credit transfer). After enrolment you can only request the recognition of activities carried out during your course of study.
Politecnico does not recognize any activity which lasted less than 50 hours (2 credits).
Politecnico does not have a specific list of recommended learning activities outside the University.
As a general rule, Politecnico can award you some credits if:  
  • you participated in lectures/conferences/ courses, provided that the teaching contents, duration and testing methods can be clearly identified;
  • you won or were selected for a competition for ideas/design:
  • you attended a specific School (i.e, Summer School)
  • you have professional skills which are in line with the learning objectives of your degree programme
  • you took part in workshops;
  • you have taken part in the Civil Service with tasks that are coherent with the learning outcomes of your degree programme.
You cannot ask for the recognition of the following activities: 
  • internships;
  • professional licenses;
  • cooperation with associations;
  • scholarships;
  • computer licences  (i.e., ECDL);
  • aptitude tests (i.e., SAT)
If you are requesting the recognition of an external activity that you have already completed, please enter the start and end dates.  
A learning activity can be recognized even if it exceeds the number of credits required for graduation (credit overload), but within the limit of 12 extra credits. An external activity is recognized on a pass-or-fail basis (i.e. it has no grade, it is simply recorded with a “pass” in your transcript). 

How to request the recognition of learning activities outside the University
Send your request using the portlet called Approval of external activities available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online services tab.  
Upload the necessary supporting documents (activity description, duration and certificate of participation). When your activity is over, you need to upload a scanned copy of your certificate of attendance/participation.
The Academic Advisor of your degree programme decides if your request can be accepted and how many credits you can be awarded. 
The number of credits recognized by Politecnico cannot exceed the yearly credit limit imposed by your enrolment workload (part-time or full-time) nor the overall credit limit of your Personal Study Plan. 
You can ask for the recognition of external learning activities at any time during your university studies, but the recognition process must be completed before you register for the Final Examination. After this date, pending requests will not be taken into consideration.
What to do after the approval 
You can always check the status of your requests on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online services  tab – Approval of external activities portlet.  
If your activity is approved, you must:
  1. go back to the Approval of external activities portlet; 
  2. click the "View" button (referred to the approved activity);

3. in the next screen click the "Accept" button.
The procedure ends when you accept and the activity is recorded in your transcript.

If the following message is displayed: "insufficient space in your Annual Personal Study Plan, contact the Office of Student Services", it means that you have already reached the maximum number of credits allowed in your APSP. In this case, even if your external activity replaces some free choice credits, this replacement will not be automatic. You will have to contact the Office of Student Services which will update your APSP.
Politecnico can recognize up to a maximum of 6 academic credits, only one time during the entire duration of your studies  (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme). 
If you practice sports at a competitive level (as an athlete, coach or referee) or if you achieve outstanding results in sports competitions while you are studying at the university, you can ask for recognition of this activity at any time during your university studies in accordance with the following rules:
  •  6 credits for students who participate in the Dual Career Politecnico programme;
  • up to 6 credits for students who have achieved sports results of the utmost excellence. In particular:
    • Olympic medal:  6 credits;
    • World medal, European or Universiadi medal, champion of division in Italian championships: 6 credits for gold medals, 5 credits for silver medals, 4 credits for bronze medals;
  •  3 credits for students who have been selected to play in Politecnico sports teams;
  •  3 credits for competitive sports activities with the following requirements:
    •  competitive activity in a sport with a federation approved by CONI;
    • 4 weekly training sessions/competitions (1.5 hours each)
    •  participation in top-level national and regional championships;
After completing the procedure described below and filling out all the required fields, your credits will be automatically recognized as soon as you accept the approval of the board.
Politecnico can recognize from 2 to 12 credits, only one time during your Bachelor’s degree programme and only one time during your Master’s degree programme
If you have been actively involved in a student team, you can ask for the recognition of this activity after completing your collaboration with the team. 
Participation in a student team can be recognized even if it exceeds the number of credits required for graduation (credit overload), but within the limit of 12 extra credits. It is recognized on a pass-or-fail basis.
How to request the recognition of student team activities
Send your request using the portlet called Approval of external activities available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online services tab.  
Select "Student team Activities" in the field Activity type and provide the name of your team.
The leader of your student team must certify the nature of your collaboration and the amount of time that you dedicated to it.
Based on such information, the Academic Advisor of your degree programme decides if your request can be accepted and how many credits you can be awarded.
Please note:
The number of credits awarded cannot exceed the yearly credit limit imposed by your enrolment workload (part-time or full-time) nor the overall credit limit of your Personal Study Plan.
You can ask for the recognition of your activity in a student team at any time during your studies, but the recognition process must be completed before you register for the Final Examination. After this moment, pending request will not be evaluated. 
You can always check the status of the approval of your request of student team activity on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – Online services  tab– Approval of external activities portlet.  
If your student team activity is approved by the Board, you must “accept” the approval of the Board. After this operation, your activity will be displayed with status “RECORDED”.
Politecnico can recognize this competence only one time during the Bachelor’s degree programme 
If you have a certificate of a foreign language other than the compulsory languages of your Bachelor's degree programme, you can ask for its recognition at any time of your academic career. The request shall be made through the portlet called “Approvazione attività esterne”/Approval of external activities, available under the "Segreteria on line"/Online services tab of your personal page. You will have to upload a copy of your language certificate. If your request is approved, you will have to show the original certificate to the staff of the Language Centre (CLA).   
The table with the list of languages and of the recognised certifications is published on the CLA website.