Your ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (APSP) - CARICO DIDATTICO - is the list of the courses that you are going to attend during the current academic year. You can create a full-time or part-time APSP depending if you want to enrol with a part-time or full-time workload.
The courses that you must include in your APSP must be chosen from the courses that are listed in your Personal Study Plan.
To add a new course to your APSP, drag and drop it from the box named "Courses on your PSP" to the box "PERSONAL STUDY PLAN".
When you do this operation you should pay attention to the maximum number of credits that you are allowed to include in your APSP depending on the type of workload you have chosen (Full time: 80 CFU; Part-time: 40 CFU).
Insegnamenti di colore blu: già inseriti nel carico didattico di anni precedenti
Insegnamenti di colore nero: inseriti per la prima volta nel carico didattico
Insegnamenti di colore rosso: in overbooking