(2022 - 2023)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
The internship allows to acquire the 12 credits relating to the free credits envisaged by the Bachelor's degree in Architecture.
Internship is offered to students as the first real chance to gain experience in the world of work. It give you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during your studies and help you decide about your future professional career. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational injuries and diseases.
Before starting an internship, you need to include it in your Personal Study plan/Annual Personal Study Plan in the a.y. you are interested to carry it out.
The Office of Career Service (internships and placements) provides information and tutoring services for students and graduates. 
As an intern, you are required to follow the instructions received by your Academic tutor and your Company tutor, as far as training and organizational needs are concerned.  You must comply with the disciplinary regulations and the Occupational Safety and Health rules that are in force in the company or institution where your internship takes place.