(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
access to CLASSES
After you enrol at Polito (in accordance with the rules of the Enrolment Regulations – A.Y. 2023/24 you will be able to watch the video lectures of your courses and take your exams in the examination sessions scheduled in June/July and September 2023.
There are video lectures for the following first-year courses (1st and 2nd semester):
  • Mathematical Analysis I
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Linear algebra and geometry
  • Physics I
No video lectures are offered for the specific course (distinguishing subject) of your degree programme and for the English language course.
The video lectures will be available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal. To log in to your personal page you need to use the password and student ID number that you receive upon completion of the first phase of the enrolment process.
Applicants who have reserved thier student place - in accordance with the terms of art. 5 of the Enrolment Regulations - A.Y. 2023/2024 will be able to watch the video lectureson their personal page of the Apply@polito platform.
These students will not be allowed to take their exams (June/July and September 2023  Examination sessions) until they complete the full enrolment process.
In accordance with the provisions of Rector's Decree No. 703/2024 of 21/06/2024, the deadline has been extended by which interested students must prove to the University that they have a residence permit and the Declaration of Value or Certificate of Comparability issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC center (CIMEA) or other ENIC-NARIC centers in order to lift the enrolment with condition status. These documents must be provided by November 29, 2024.